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some girls

want diamond


and pretty things

picture places

wrinkle erasers

some girls

want bars of gold

and fast cars

bottles of booze

warm body, anybody

some girls

want a smooth line

gets ‘em every time

miles of smiles

tattoos “love you”

some girls

want Friday nights

and glitzy lights

casino fights

liqueur laughter

some girls

want happily-ever-after

and white knights

royal weddings

a pink palace

that’s what

some girls want

for me

it was always

something real

like the moon at midnight

all those stars

sun sipping the sea

bird on the breeze

an old oak tree

rain on my skin

bathing within

unpicked roses

message in a bottle

fresh cut grass

lying on your back

shaping clouds

aimless acres

rushing water

untouched snow

songs you can’t let go

falling in love

a good book

an empty pew

a second glance

slow, slow dance

bit of romance


that’s just me


Published inTamiko Lowery