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Don’t Get Me Wrong

Don’t Get Me Wrong

in ways

too many

to tell

my life

has hastened


my back’s


to the counter

I hold up

gone is the girl


who dat

welcome to the misery

that is mid-life

my life

stuck on repeat

this sad, slow, commercial-free song

gone gold

top of the Billboard charts

oh, you don’t know

don’t know that song that’s playing

trust me …

give it five, 10, 20 years

you’ll know


I get why

people buy bright red cars

and Botox the L out of their face

and change the color of their hair like underwear

and get a passport and fly to anywhere-but-here

and take their money and gamble it even if they don’t know how

and go to rock concerts and jump up and down like dogs at the door

and end up taking yoga and golf and cooking and pottery and Tai Chi

and reading every article about skincare and going organic and what vitamin does what when

and wearing workout clothes for daytime, nighttime, bedtime, anytime

and saying things out loud that you thought you were just thinking to yourself

and pumping gas and wondering who the L is that reflected in the car window you’re looking at

and getting online and looking up the word: Mid-Life …

“the central period of a person’s life, generally considered as the years from about 45 to 55”

10 years of Mid-Life


then what

60, 70, 80, 90

wisdom is overrated


and aging is a cruel crime


they up and throw away the key

so, if you’re young

be young

I didn’t say stupid

don’t be stupid young


so, you can make it to mid-life

60, 70, 80, 90

don’t get me wrong

it is a privilege

to get to grow old

no matter how sad

the song


Published inTamiko Lowery