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Dr. Pittard

Dr. Pittard

he was

by my side

through it all

and I knew

he’d see me through

come what may

he knew my fears

even if I never said

he sensed it

like he did

with so many


with so many


but it was more

than that

more than I would admit

my mother died

giving birth to me

that’s what I always believed

always would

nine months …

of being afraid

then I heard her cry

and he was by my side

telling me how good I did

then he sewed me back up

and my life began

that day

eight years later

he’s the one

who needs to be sewed back up

it’s his heart

that needs mending

no doctor can cure

and I wish there were something

but there’s nothing you can do or say

when someone you love so

passes away


Published inTamiko Lowery