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these are the days

marking the wall

the pinnacle place

sizing shoes

something new

a lighter hue

the songs you sing

and there’s the moon

and there’s the sun

and there’s the bug

where’d it go

can we keep it

and there’s the wrapper

I didn’t eat it

it must have been a ghooooost

or sooooomething, you know,

like that bad old, bad old, troll

oh, all right, all right, I ate it

and there’s the mud

and there’s the water

and there’s a butterfly

and there’s a bee

and there’s a frog

and there’s a fly

see that spider

watch that worm

is that a cricket

catch that caterpillar

did you see that

there it is

do you see it

right there

do you see it

did you see it

turn your head

now, do you see it

do you see it

yes, I see it …

I see it


Published inTamiko Lowery