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she sat in a corner

like Little Jack Horner

bellowing out,

“EVERYTHING must go,

even the house!”

and this was her greeting

to young and to old

and smiled we did

as we sifted

all manner of ware

strewn here, strewn there

and down on a creaking knee

we bent to see

what walls would wear

long scenic shores

through Tuscan trees

off the white of France

mid fields of frozen flowers

carbons of Renoir, Monet

and again, she bellowed out,

“Take it all, $50 for the lot!”

but a museum we were not

and later she would say

how she could not stay

in a house too big

for a pair

and as we left her there

we heard her holler

to the next dollar

“EVERYTHING must go,

even the house!”


Published inTamiko Lowery