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From Tee to Green

From Tee to Green

you push

a giant toothpick

in the ground

and place a ball

on top of it

and grip the leather

and take a practice swing

‘til you hear it sing

then into position

your body

and mind

and so it would seem

to the spectator eye

such a simple thing

to get from tee

to green

in short order

and repeat it

year after year

no matter the weather

the up and down

the hazards

but a glimpse

of what you see

on tv

or around a tournament town

doesn’t begin

to graze the surface

the struggle within

there are so many elements

in play

that test who you are

who you think you are

what you’re capable of

what you think you’re capable of

and in those hours

of bend and build

there is a quiet

in the dew drop mornings

the biting frost to blazing heat

the torrential rain to not a drop

the barely a breath to whipping gusts

the blue skies to crackling thunder

the dusk to dark

it’s all there

on courses long and short

the lessons

the private lessons


the reassessment

the adjustment

the learning and re-learning

the simplifying

becoming less

becoming more

constantly evolving

continually revolving

from the ground



Published inTamiko Lowery