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“Haves and Have Nots”

“Haves and Have Nots”

Would all your

Worldly possessions

Fit in folded fabric

Tied at the end

Of a stick


Would your feet

Meet the road

With a rubber sole

Or be branded

In the kiln of the sun


Would you carry

A jug of cool drink

And gulp it

Fast as a faucet

Or would you cry

Just to taste

The salt of a tear


Would you have

Any food

Enough for three squares

Or would you

Scratch and scrape

For a single berry

Way out of reach


Would you have

A friend

That would put you up

Or would you

Look for a bridge

To cover you


Would you have

Paper in the bank

Or a hole in your pocket

Where a penny fell

Like a gull in the Gulf


Would you have

Any family to call

Or would they be

Dead to you

Boxed one way

Or the other


Would you have

Any hope

Or would you not

Even know

What that is


Published inTamiko Lowery