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In Limbo

In Limbo

her husband

had somewhere to be

her kids, too

so she’s standing there


can’t feel her feet

no one to follow

forgot how to lead

how to walk into a room

and it be enough

she used to dress up

for no particular reason

but pretty

pearls and perfume

heels and hose

lipstick and polish

but that was ago

now she hasn’t

the time

nor the inclination

or form to fit

or will to want

and it happened to her

on an ordinary day

much like today

when she wasn’t looking

like how her kids grew

her husband, too

how sixteen

handed her a senior discount

she didn’t ask for

how her teenage daughter

slammed out the door

how her husband ignored

and in the thicket

she gets a call

at 3 a.m.

her daddy’s dead

and her mama

hasn’t a clue

and it’s all she can do

to pray

and in the blur

she’s faced with it

like that photo somebody took

and made her look at

and the choice

is hers

get up or sit down


Published inTamiko Lowery