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keep seeing you …

in that

mechanical bed

should have


a different seat

why didn’t I

do that

wasn’t thinking


just sat down

in the one

direct across

and it was too late

to get up

and move

suddenly the surgeon’s

in the room

telling you

the result

tumor in your head

how long

you’ve got to live

and you’re looking at me

and I’m looking at you

your brown eyes


somewhere after

the surgeon

I get up

and close the door

to the bathroom

and come back out

and go to

sit back down

but you call me over

to sit beside you

on that mechanical bed

why’d you do that

tried to be steel

but couldn’t

why are you lying there

comforting me

why aren’t you crying

or screaming

or throwing something


why are you just lying there

holding my hand

I want my hand back


Published inTamiko Lowery