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Keep Driving

Keep Driving

been going

through rooms

with a minimal mindset

not quite there yet

and might never be

but I try anyway

and it ain’t easy

let me tell ‘ya

it ain’t easy

it’s like losing weight

once you do

you gotta maintain it

for life

getting rid of stuff

is like yo yo dieting

losing the weight and then packing it back on

what good is it

if I carry stuff out

and end up replacing it

and that’s what I tend to do

over time

I clear things out

and then clutter it back up

I’m past the denial stage

and the acceptance stage

think I’m now in the

all gotta go stage

and stay gone

so, I made a lot of progress yesterday

then woke up this morning

and passed a yard sale

laughing to myself

I love yard sales

and they love me

and I wanted to stop

and jest take a little peek

like a person trying to quit smoking

jest a little puff

but I kept on going

moving past it

I got enough to deal with

as it is

don’t need no more



Published inPoetry