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he had

a TV

in the basement

of that white two-story

a recliner where he’d sit

and unwind

watching mostly sports

but he never missed an episode

of Happy Days

neither did i

tiptoed on the stair

quietly sitting there

he’d let out a roar of laughter

and i always thought he looked

so much like the Fonz

with his dark hair combed straight back

and i think sometimes

he knew i was there

roaring with him

but he never let on

he’d come home with candy in his pockets

and have me guess which one

peanut or plain m&ms

we’d spend hours in the snow

building men

and baseballs

he was so much like a kid

filled with joy

we’d walk the woods

and he’d pick me up

and put me on the highest boulder

summers he spent mowing the grass

and i’d tote him some tea

and he’d act like it was the best drink

in the whole wide

i followed him everywhere

but there

he wouldn’t let me

go there


Published inTamiko Lowery