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if it meant

she could

she would

she’d suit him up

and send him


straight for

the magic pie

that Armstrong ate

the slice that made him

dance on air

and nothing was hard

up there

like it was down here

where a maze of medicine

can slow it

not stop it

and she knows those

who’ve been there

who are there

but it’s different

when it’s your door

and the kids are yours

and they don’t know

what you know

and how can you explain

what you haven’t yourself

only that

we but live

of us all

on a watch

of gold

not ours

to wear

and so it is

and so it was

and so it will be

for we are

what we are

not born

of this

lest we forget

from time to time

He will remind


Published inTamiko Lowery