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Private Pain

Private Pain

he was smiling

whenever I saw him

as if nothing bad

had ever happened to him

and I was happy for him

then one day

he called me up

after reading

a story I’d written

about somebody

who had just died

on the roadway

after being hit by a car

and he asked me

if I’d talked to the driver

and then he was telling me

about himself

how he was that driver


years ago

and I could hear him

crying quietly

over the phone

and there was nothing

I could say

so I cried, too

through the years

he must have relived it

a thousand times

why’d it have to be me

she walked in front of

wasn’t his fault

and he knows it

but it doesn’t change a thing

a life is gone

and he goes on

but it’s clear

part of him is gone

the boy died that day

on a broken roadway


Published inTamiko Lowery