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wrapped within

people in their places

mostly lost


sucker for a story

the first page

not the last

I like beginnings

where it’s possible

and easy

all the mess in the middle

skip that

I hate roller coasters

and the way it ends

endings are so final

a tiny dot


at the end of a sentence

that had so much to say

but ran out of space

I love happy endings

not the sad ones

like Titanic

I hate that movie

every time I watch it


what happened to the magic

the magic in the movie

the story

the script

the revision

Jack lives

he gets to live

why didn’t he

get to live

where was the edit

the final edit

somebody sick that day

he should have lived

Jack …

and his Happily Ever After

with Rose …

I hate that movie

and that stupid song Celine sings



Published inTamiko Lowery