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maybe if

I didn’t know

maybe I could get

some sleep

and dream again

of something


deeply down

not a surface scratch

of daylight dozing

a zombie stare

into the middle of nowhere

I see my peers there

in pretense

they, too, are disappointed

for Christmas lasts

but a day

when you first believed

there wasn’t a receipt

time I believe

time is what I know

to be true

maybe the only truth

you have this time

this time given to you

in a glass bottle


and you take it

and chunk it

into the bluest sea

and hope for the best

as you step bare

across all that sand


spilt into a glassy sea

that shimmers

and looms at night

now, they sit

at traffic lights

moving in mechanic waves

across a dark abyss

where the moon moans

and grapples with gravity


and return


Published inTamiko Lowery