when you
walk out the door
and you don’t come back
no more
‘cause you dropped your keys
at the gate
will you remember
the band
and how it played
will you take your ticket
and find your seat
in the middle row
and lose yourself
at the exit
will you sit at the table
through the courses
and clearing
and wait for the check
will you drive to the beach
‘cause the beach is not far
from where you are
will you pick up a book
where you left off
and think about it
later on
at the light
will you take a walk
for no reason
or result
other than to get
where you’re going
will you tire
along the way
and lie down
for a bit
and rest your eyes
on a cloud
a moving cloud
that was here, now there
there, now here
will you drift on with it
like smoke
on a reservation
then away