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The Ace

The Ace

but i remember it

from when i was

how it made me feel

light as air

y o u t h

it really is

a card

and you’re all in

win or lose

who cares

the chances are

and you take ‘em

then you start

to read

the directions

scared to make a move

you count the pieces

how can you play without the pieces

and what about the dice

it’s missing a dot

you can’t count it

if it’s missing

a dot

it all has to match up

make sense

start here – end there

game over – play again

that’s the rule

after awhile

after all

the winning

the losing

the folding

the ties

you just don’t wanna

play no more

so you burn the board

chunk all the pieces

drop the deck

rip the score

spin the seat

but the Ace

you keep

be it a spade

a diamond

puppy foot

or heart

the Ace

you keep

in the pocket

case you need it

and chances are

you’re gonna need it


Published inTamiko Lowery