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The Day

The Day

bought some

new sunglasses


and they came in

on time

so i put ‘em on


a new shade

to hide the tears

as i sat chewing chips

in the car

then some chocolate

followed by an elephant ear

which is kinda like a giant sugar cookie

‘cept it’s flakey


the walk earlier wore off

it was supposed to be warmer


but there’s a distinct chill

in the air

so the golf i planned to play

in shorts

turned into a turn around town

listening to tunes

thinking the whole time

‘bout food …

like tacos

fried chicken


fried fish


stopped to read

for a bit

then stopped

and watched the wind


would have went

to a movie

but nothing worth


in either theatre

so instead

pulled into a park

on the way home

and watched a bunch of kids

kick up the dust

bent on being Beckham

they sure gave it their all

like they do on the regular

there were no cameras

no first place trophy

or cashier’s check

and still they played

like there was no tomorrow

just today

and that made me


as the sun lowered down

somehow …

i muddled through

the way that i do


(March 1, 2025)

Published inPoetry