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The Internal and External

The Internal and External

in the way

of the world

all things connect

never more so

than in nature

where the language

and meaning

are unspoken

but felt

the deepest

beneath the vastness

of the ocean

the endlessness of the sky

the other side of the sea

it travels in a raindrop

that reaches the seed

and finds the sun

it is ever in the wind

that carries time

marking the seasons

the lift and fall

of leaves

the tumble of stones

in the riverbed

the wearing away of all prints

like grass over dirt

like shells in the water

like trees in a storm

that stand

a hundred years

or more

like smoke from a fire

that dresses the wind

but a moment

like stars in the sky

that twinkle

like rain in the morning

the dew on grass

the earth is ever moving

and still

it can be both

moving and still

at the same time


or there


Published inPoetry