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The Lines

The Lines

stretched along

the side

towering like trees

glistening in the morning sun

dripping like spider webs

in the rain

these lines

carry connection

from one end

to the other

the dial

the punch

the press

the ringing

the hello

the “how ‘ya been …”

the hang up

the silence

the busy

the static

the hold

the wait

the call back

the forgot

the pick up

the ignore

the message


the tone

the truth

the trying

“he died last night”

“she took her own life”

what now

“the wedding’s when”

“ok, we’ll be there then”

the honeymoon

is over

“congratulations, it’s a boy!”

he’s getting older

“did you hear about that”

“yeah, it was so sad”

that’s life though

ain’t it

complex in the cruel

wonderful in the weary

sweet in the bitter

careful in the crazy

beautiful in the not

tragic in the torture

dead in the life

sheets in the sadness

singing in the dancing

empty stages

nobody came

the plate’s still full

left the drink


who’s gonna clean the kitchen

mow the grass

mail the letter

make sure it gets there

in time

does it need a signature

do you have a pen

you always have a pen

yeah, but

it won’t

here, use mine

thank you … I love how it writes

no, you keep it


Published inTamiko Lowery