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The Night Ninja

The Night Ninja

there’s a toad


that greets me

at the door

I imagine

he has a tiny gold crown

on his tiny toad head

he sits on the threshold

as if he were


for the killer cat

pays him no mind

and the stampede of barking dogs

don’t rattle him


his outer stillness

belies the warrior within

I could learn a lot from this here


he’s a simple-type-fellow

that found his way

to my front door

on a night much like tonight

where the chorus of crickets


and the firework fireflies

put on their show

he hopped out of nowhere

up the steps

in the middle of May

drawn to the castle lights

he now dines

like a king

his feast flying in

from near and far

he just sits there

all quiet and calm and still

waiting it out

like a featherweight

in the ring

eyeing an opening

ever light on his feet

and lethal with his punches

he knocks ‘em all out

and then assumes his position

in the middle of the doorway

a small stone statue

between two lights

and I thought the cat

was the Ninja


Published inPoetry