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The Well Within

The Well Within

as a parent

your natural


is to protect

your child

it’s not something

that goes away

with time

you never want

to see them hurting

and yet you know they will

there will be times

when it will hurt

and you cannot change that

for all the drops in the ocean

their journey is theirs


they must draw

from the well


when things get


to comprehend

in a black and white world

you mustn’t forget

the gray

the varying shade

of gray

it’s up to you then

to paint

not what you see

around you

but what you see

within you

like what the wise fox whispered


to The Little Prince

“and now here is my secret,

a very simple secret:

it is only with the heart

that one can see rightly;

what is essential is invisible

to the eye …”


Published inPoetry