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To The Light

To The Light

we do not


to be born

none of us


and we that are


find out early


that here

is no home

yet we stay

for a time

learning and re-learning

how to survive

and somewhere

in it

we learn

why we are here

not in function or form

process or purpose

but a matter

of depth

without measure or mile

for love is our lesson

for rich or for poor

not of the five senses

or the steps of becoming

well-traveled, rehearsed

in a life

full of distraction

there is this certainty

we carry inside

for if you have loved

like there was no love

in the world

and it broke you open

by its volume and weight

leaving particles of dust

in the air

then you know why

why you are here

and why one day

you too will disappear

from being

and like all things living

… return


Published inPoetry