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Last updated on May 25, 2020


excuse me, ma’ma

you don’t know me

and I don’t know you

but you look at me

as if you do

and you might not understand

that i grew up in this land

first up North

then down South

went to kindergarten at Pine School

in Massachusetts

and stayed through second grade

‘til i moved away

to Alabama

where i started third grade

and graduated high school

and went on to college

Jacksonville State University

University of Las Vegas Nevada

Southern Union State Community College

and Auburn University with a B.A. degree

yeah, ‘ya don’t know me

I love country music

rock, pop, classical, blues, folk and rap

but I suppose I don’t look like that

you look at me as if

I stole from you

like I stole your crown

like I stole your degree

like I stole your job

like I stole your car

like I stole your house

like I stole your husband

like I stole your life

like I don’t belong

and you want me gone

back to where I came from

heard it all before

but have no idea where i came from

‘cause i was bought and sold

before i could talk

and i don’t remember a thing

other than here

feel like i was born in the U.S.A

that i belong here

‘cause my heart is here

but you look at me

as if I don’t


and I try to understand where you’re coming from

that maybe your life didn’t turn out

and you lost a lot along the way

and I’m sorry you think I stole from you

but believe it or not I worked really hard

for what I got

and none of it came easy

harder than you think

we are different

me and you

and not because

my eyes are different

than yours

but how we see

out of ‘em

the way we view


you see me as an alien

probably illegally

I see you as a human


a human who hates me

at first sight

and I can’t change that

you have to do that

for yourself

and maybe you will

and maybe you won’t

but maybe your kid

or your grandkid

or your great-grandkid

or your great-great-grandkid

will see different

who knows

but it never hurt

to hope …

“Hope is a thing with feathers

that perches in the soul,

and sings the tune without the words,

and never stops at all,

and sweetest in the gale is heard;

and sore must be the storm

that could abash the little bird

that kept so many warm.

I’ve heard it in the chillest land,

and on the strangest sea;

yet, never, in extremity,

it asked a crumb of me.” – Emily Dickinson


Published inPoetry