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Toni Long

Toni Long

there were three

and she was

one of ‘em

and I can still

see her now

crunching that green


‘cause she didn’t

have time for lunch

she kept her hair

real short

‘cause she didn’t

have time to fuss

not a trace of shadow

on her face

she was all about


that’s what

she taught us

in all her

Britannica brilliance

and she was always in a hurry

to get somewhere

‘cause somebody needed her

badly to be there

and when we’d talk

our talks

she made me feel like

I was the most important person

like what I had to say mattered

enough to slow down

and I remember one day

after class

asking her not about


but about life

the tragedies of life

and how could I help

all of that

how could I grow up

and make it better

here’s what she told the kid:

“you have to think

of the world

as a great big pie

none of us get

the whole pie

we only get a slice

and you have to

figure out

for yourself

how to make

that slice count …

you can’t change

the whole world

and its problems

none of us can

but you can take a slice of it

and do something great

you can make a difference

in the world

that way

give something back

that’s how you make it better

I know you can do that


Published inTamiko Lowery