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on nights

like this

when it’s pouring


I think about things

certain things

like ticking clocks

that suddenly stop


how boiling kettles

whistle and spit and spew

then settle

how ice cubes

melt into a drink

like a snowman in the snow

how a small child has more fun

with dirt and rocks and sticks

than plastic pieces that beep and blink

how you can have the best intentions

and be misunderstood

how nobody wants to lose

but loss is not a choice

how you can look at a picture

and it takes you back

how the land can stay the same

when everything else changes

how the body and mind can decay

but not the spirit

how you can look at the ground

and walk all over it

and never see yourself beneath it

how the poorest person can be rich

and the richest person can be poor

how it’s not the music that makes the music good

but the person listening to it

how you can take a brick and stack it

and build a castle

how the earth is full of wonder

in the smallest speck of dust

how nothing is without want

were it not for need

how against all odds

it makes it

and lives


Published inTamiko Lowery