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I stare

at water

the way it moves

or doesn’t

but can

like liquid in a kettle

or a bath

I stare

at fire

the way it starts off

like a blink

on a cake

and ends up spitting out sparks

grilling trees

into char

one section at a time

‘til there’s nothing left

but ash

I stare

at clouds

until they make sense

and then pull apart

like cotton candy

at a fair

sometimes they just sit there

like a marshmallow in hot chocolate

slowly melding

I stare

at snow

how it covers everything it touches

then disappears

like the rain

I stare

at the wind

even though I can’t see it

I feel it

running through my hair

or barely breathing

against my cheek

it can make a Monarch butterfly

miss its flight

to Mexico

and carry a kid’s balloon

so far off

it becomes

a tear


from Heaven


Published inTamiko Lowery