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she was



a mother

of ease

or ignorance

or the luxury of means

for an orphan

bore her

one raised

behind a door

behind the eye of a child

witnessing the worst

of human weakness

the humility of hatred

the rage that knows no bounds

the loneliness of self-reliance

the betrayal of trust and safety

the abuse of position and power

the loss of what it means

to be little

but even an orphan knows the truth

that there’s always a choice …

before a tone turns deafening

before a hand becomes a weapon

before a drink becomes a poison

before a room becomes a prison

before a mask becomes a monster

before it’s too late for sorry

for someday

no apology can change

past transgressions

and the orphan lies awake at night


if the child she bore

will ever understand

what it is

to be free

truly free

to fly

above the cloud

and touch the color

taste the rain

feel the ray

see the blue

and know

that even when

the sky turns

and lightning burns the clouds black

and not a breath of wind can ease the ache

and not a drop of rain can reach the eye

and not a note of song can find the tree

let there be

but a remembering

of good things

that within the enormity

of loss

there is the smallness

of a word kept kind

that when felt

becomes gold

a gold greater than wealth

greater than all possession

all power

all greed




Published inPoetry