Will You
when I’m not
shiny and new
innocent, too
will you
when I’m not
the rock in the room
but the river run out
will you
when I’m not
light and airy
but a little scary
dark and very
will you
when I’m not
happy just to be
a l i v e
but a bit sad inside
will you
when I’m not
but always right
will you
when I’m not
at all
but the armor is
will you
when I’m not
willing to bend
‘cause I’m already broke
will you
when I’m not
ready to drop
the handle I’m holding
to travel the world
will you
when I’m not
aging gracefully
but aging out
will you
when I’m not
the trusting kind
‘cause I’ve been sold
will you
when I’m not
a face in the crowd
but a homebody at heart
will you
when I’m not
here but there
there but here
will you
when I’m not
nodding yes
but shaking no
to test
will you
when I’m not
a rose
but you think I am
will you