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to be able

to put your life

in perspective

is an opportunity

not met

by a hurried step

we live a thousand lives

in the end

the experience of emotion

is what molds us

and we take its form

its ever shifting, folding form

maybe Kipling said it best,

“If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster

and treat those two impostors just the same …”

 an observation of the very old and the very young

 displays this adage

 while one is in the process of continually letting go …

 food falls off the spoon, scrape up another bite

 the other is in the process of constantly attaining …

 food falls off the high chair, stop and watch it fall

 yet both are open to change

 in a way that is harder for the middle minded

 to obtain and process

 clarity comes in those small, quiet moments

 when the grass has long since grown

 over the mound of dirt

 and now needs maintenance


Published inTamiko Lowery