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all along

there are moments

that stop us

humans need that

the breathtaking

and the heartbreaking

these moments make you reaccess


as you take it all in

where you are in life

how happy or how unhappy you might be

what you love about your life

and what you don’t

nothing jest happens

or is

without a bit of work

you’re not jest healthy ‘cause you woke up and took a breath

it takes work

your space isn’t jest clean and clear and calm jest ‘cause it is

it takes work

you don’t jest reach your goals jest ‘cause you wrote ‘em down

it takes work

you don’t jest become more than you are by standing still

it takes work

you don’t jest fall in love and stay in love

it takes work

you don’t jest plant a garden and walk away and expect it to grow

it takes work

you don’t jest up and understand how you came to be

it takes work

you don’t jest change yourself for the better

without working on yourself

every day

it takes work


Published inTamiko Lowery