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The Color of the Sky

it started

quite literally

in pre-school

from then on


there was never not

a boy

in the picture

brains and beauty

and loves to laugh

it was

and is

an irresistible combination

she has had a hard time

owning her beauty

but not her brains

not her humor

at 17

she knows who she


and who she


knows what she wants

and what she doesn’t

she’ll keep ‘ya on your toes

for sure

she was raised

with intention

to always think

for herself

looking back

I realize I worried about

all the wrong things

she’s gonna be ok

I cannot imagine her

not here at HOME

she can

but I can’t

they say it’s a blink

and it is

you wake up

and wonder

was it all a dream

then reality

sets in

thinking and knowing

are two different


I’ve thought about

this part

for a long time

but knowing it

is real

and real is

feeling it

in full


Published inPoetry