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Author: Tamiko Lowery

The Prophet

The Prophet

“your children

are not your children

they are the sons and daughters

of Life’s longing for itself

they come through you

but not from you

and though they are with you

yet they belong not to you

you may give them your love

but not your thoughts

for they have their own thoughts

you may house their bodies

but not their souls

for their souls dwell in the house

of tomorrow

which you cannot visit

not even in your dreams

you may strive to be like them

but seek not to make them like you

for life goes not backward

nor tarries with yesterday

you are the bows from which your children

as living arrows are sent forth

the Archer sees the mark upon the path

of the infinite

and He bends you with His might

that His arrows may go swift and far

let your bending in the Archer’s hand be for


for even as He loves the arrow that flies

so He loves also the bow

that is stable”

(written by Kahlil Gibran – The Prophet 1923)

Blue Bird

Blue Bird

early this


I heard

a tap

at my window

and looked across

the room

it was the blue bird

who visited just last year

come back

to say,

“hello, hello, hello,

do you remember me …”

I smile

he’s grown so much

and has so much to say

his wings have carried him

to the other side of the shore

where he’s met all manner of being

I wonder what he’s learned

he says he’ll come back tomorrow

bright and early

and tell me

all about it




parked puddles

tiny drops

stuck on glass

slowly dry

as James Bay sings his

Scars away

a car door closes

another opens

carts rolling and sticking

to a stop

a big rig in the distance

keeps going

the roar of an airplane

the quiet of a bicycle

wet masks

plastered on pavement

when is Halloween


I forget …

birds chirping

this and that

all the clouds

converged at once

covering every speck of blue

I wonder what it’s like

at the beach

if the sun’s out

what the sand feels like

does it matter

yeah, no


For the Love of the Game

For the Love of the Game

golf was made

for someone like me

and i wish i’d had it

growing up

it woulda helped


been trying to

catch up

for lost time

I practice as if

there’s a tournament

right around the corner

I don’t play for trophies

or cash

though that’d be nice

I’ve simply found


that rivals books

and I love books

books were my golf

growing up

that’s what got me through

tough times

golf is like a book

it can take you


with all its intricate


and patterns

and ups and downs

when I play alone

I get in a zone

a rhythm

a quiet

an intensity

a feeling

I think of nothing

but the ball

it’s wonderful

I plug in my music

and disappear


My Car

My Car

so far

as possessions go

I’d say

my car

is close

it’s more than


more than


more than

four doors

and a roof

it’s personal


just enough

to sit

and think

or not think

or over think

I’ve window-watched

the wind

the rain

the snow

the fog

the glow

the clouds

the rays

the moon in all its phase

the night with all its stars

the not one

I’ve watched the leaves

grow back

in buds

and fall away

when fully formed

even now beneath

the bark

like daffodils

in the dark

here is where

I like to read

a book

or write

as I am

or listen to the silence

or too many songs

or my daughter talk

when she feels like


our best talks

were in the car


without distraction

she used to be a baby

in the back

now, she’s fixin’ to take

the wheel

my car is a time capsule

of sorts

a place to put

the tears

and laughter

and everything


a place to breathe

yeah, my car

is more than

A to B

it’s time

standing still

at rush-hour


Be as You are

Be as You are

“there’s a blue rockin’ chair
sittin’ in the sand

weathered by the storms

and well-oiled hands
it sways back and forth

with the help of the winds
it seems to always be there

like an old, trusted friend

i’ve read a lot of books
wrote a few songs
looked at my life

where it’s goin,’ where it’s gone
i’ve seen the world

through a bus windshield

but nothing compares
to the way that i see it
to the way that i see it
to the way that i see it

when i sit

in that old blue chair

from that chair

i’ve caught

a few fish and some rays
and i’ve watched boats sail

in and out of Cinnamon Bay
i let go of a lover

that took a piece of my heart
i prayed many times for forgiveness

and a brand new start

i’ve read a lot of books
wrote a few songs
looked at my life

where it’s goin,’ where it’s gone
i’ve seen the world

through a bus windshield

but nothing compares
to the way that i see it

to the way that i see it
to the way that i see it

when i sit

in that old blue chair

that chair was my bed one New Year’s Night
when i passed out from too much Cruzan and diet
and woke up to a 100 mosquito bites
i swear

got ’em all sittin’ right there
in that old blue chair

there’s a blue rockin’ chair
sittin’ in the sand

weathered by the storms

and well-oiled hands”

(song written and sung by Kenny Chesney)



there’s a plastic


stuck in a leafless


the wind moves

through it

but not enough

to free it

it just hangs there


with the sky above it

and the ground below it

illuminated by the light

it waves

at birds and bees

and planes it cannot see

unless it’s raining

then it doesn’t move

at all

like a balloon

caught on a chandelier

it’s still





was online

this morning

watching an old interview

Shirley MacLaine gave

to Larry King

they held their own

across the table

with mutual regard

and the next thing

I know

there he is

in the news this morning

making headlines

at 87


Behind the Glass

Behind the Glass

a little

brown bird

flew down

and landed

at my window

but never saw me

sitting there

staring back

through tinted glass

I thought him beautiful

no ruffled feathers

he looked brand new

so alert and curious and unafraid

and if he was cold

it never showed

10 seconds went by

before he took off

searching for the little brown bird

he saw in a window

and heard sing


In the Wind

In the Wind

the earth trembles

in centuries

as each flicker of light

goes dark

in that last blink

of breath

the leaves fall from trees

swept away

and new ones appear

as is the way of flowers

in springtime

that open and close

we are left

wondering on the wind

for mortal beings

know not

the mysteries

of the sea

where one begins

and the other ends

the sun

rests on waters

large and small

giving its treasure


for those who search

for things

well beyond the rim

of a silent sea

a brush of wings

touched down


No Justification

No Justification

on the 6th day

of the New Year

the United States of America

saw a disgraceful surge of ignorance

that left the U.S. Capitol


and a U.S. police officer


trying to protect it

he was 42

on the force 12 years

he should be at work


making his rounds

not lying lifeless

for his family

to bury


Living Simply

Living Simply


has no idea

it’s a New Year

each day she wakes

wagging her tail

happy just to be

runs on over to the carpet

to wipe her face awake

and stretch and roll on over

for a belly rub

then she trots to the door

like a little piglet

to do her business

and bark at birds and squirrels

and anything that moves

sometimes, she sits in the sun

for a while

and sniffs the air

and stares up at the top of trees

then she spies the cat

and they race to the door

to be first

before they settle down

in front of their bowl

crunching and slurping

their fill

then it’s hide-and-seek

and walking the cat to the door

she bounces around

here and there

and goes and finds her stuffed toy

and proceeds to pull all the stuffing out

happy with her work

she looks around for love and approval

before slipping away

to go and take her a nap

dreaming of steak and chicken and fish

and then she wakes up

and stretches

and wiggles her tail

sashaying to the door

and if she’s lucky

she’ll see a squirrel




last night

a couple days

after Christmas

she watched

a movie

that gave her

more insight

on the man

she loves most

in the world

it was a moment

in time

sitting there with her dad

that she’ll carry with her

for the whole

of her life

and she might not

grasp it now

the depth of it

but will one day

for movies

are magic portals

that can take you back

to that moment when

you were just old enough

to watch your father’s favorite


that first appeared in 2000

six years before you were born

a 20-year-old story

that remains


“Strength and Honor …”


And she’s 14

And she’s 14

fer months now

been going around

mumbling and mumbling and mumbling

I need

a new driver

and if I’m on the green

I don’t mumble



it doesn’t work right anymore

something’s wrong with it

it’s off balance



started looking online and was right on the verge

of buying a-super-duper-shiny-and-new-gonna-whack-the-L-out-of-it-jest-you-wait-and-see

when she walks on over

takes it outta my bag

and hits it 200 yards

straight down the fairway

and looks over at me

“Mama, did you see that …

I love this driver!

Can I have it.


You’re the best.”


On the Eve

On the Eve

maybe it’s


but can’t sleep

past four days

just me and the moon

or maybe it’s the ginseng

of late

that could be it

nothing else new

or maybe it’s the pepper flakes

think I added too much to the egg rolls

forget how many I ate

so that could be it

nah, think it’s the ginseng

supposed to give ‘ya energy

actually didn’t think it was doing much at all

but here I am


or maybe it’s Christmas

and the thought of Santa

sitting there behind plexi

waving his hand …

yeah, that could be it


The Road

The Road


a flat line

that runs down

the center

stitched in time

we see it


in the light

that cuts the eye

when you first wake

in the world

before there are words

only a season

a wave on water

rippling out

we float away


and return unafraid

the boat of our body

circles the sea

testing the high wind

we take off

on a great exploration

to find our way

back to ourselves

our true selves

a lifetime of living

in a glimmering

there is a clearness

in the wake of loss

that no other season can say

what is unsaid

more than death

there is a dying

of what was

a baby does not stay a baby

a toddler does not stay a toddler

a kid does not stay a kid

a teenager does not stay a teenager

a young adult does not stay a young adult

a middle-age person does not stay a middle-age person

an older person does not stay an older person

a centenarian does not stay a centenarian

the form changes


to create an opening

a clearing

that allows the rain in

the beautiful rain

that forms in a cloud

and drops from the sky

to the soil below

where each seed struggles

on its way

to see the sun


Songwriter Ian Flanigan

Songwriter Ian Flanigan

i hear

the whistling

of the wind

traveling from the desert

toward the smokies

under Saugerties stars

the glitter of city lights

under a Montana moon

across the prairie

in and out of caves

rushing down the river

catching drops

soft in the summer

a mist over water

a deer drinking

before its dead

fireflies in the night

sparks that flew up

from the fire

and went out

like a butterfly

the dropping of petals

in the sway of trees

a bitter frost

all the ladybugs

trapped in cement cells

the cry of a coyote

the crawl of night

Sleeping Beauty waking up

the fair’s in town

on a Ferris Wheel

going round

the wheat becoming bread

the crunch of snow

cobwebs revealing diamonds

that drop in the blade

disappear in bulbs


in a yellow light

and go back to sleep

making its way

to the sea

washed up on shore

that’s what your voice

sounds like

to me

wind on a breeze


What a Year …

What a Year …

what is the effect

on the world

the long-lasting effect

especially for the young

who are old enough

to understand

but not fully comprehend

what they’ve lived through

it’s hard enough

for an adult to take it in

how desensitized are they


before the pandemic hit

they were already aware

you can be here

one second

and gone the next

that’s how common

a school shooting is

they’re not just drilled on fires and bad weather


but how to be quiet and hide from an active shooter

and now an invisible virus

has invaded every hallway of every school

in every town

in every city

in every state

in every country

and people wanna fight

over a mask

when I wear one

(and I hate wearing ‘em)

I can’t help but think

about the families

out there

who held no funeral

for a death

and if that death was arguably preventable

it makes it unbelievably worse

nursing home victims

had nowhere to go

and people with pre-existing conditions

already had it hard

and not just health-wise

but otherwise

battered women could not leave the house

children living in constant chaos

had nowhere to turn

but inward

the alcoholics and the drug-addicted

kept on drinking, smoking and shooting up

at home

when schools close

what happens to the kids

who live in pre-existing conditions

made worse by uncontrollable circumstances

what is the long-term effect

keeping schools open isn’t just about test scores

for a child

it could mean a meal

a hug

a kind word

a place to go

and feel calm

and connected

like there’s a tomorrow

to be had

that isn’t terrible

‘cause so-and-so believed in you

that you’re more

than your circumstances

that in life

you must continually


“and adapt, adjust and overcome”