Simple Enough
he left her
a l o n e
for much
too long
a time
and now
she prefers
to be left
a l o n e
Simple Enough
he left her
a l o n e
for much
too long
a time
and now
she prefers
to be left
a l o n e
maybe it’s
the rhythm
and the repetition of it
maybe it’s
the simplicity
and the complexity of it
maybe it’s
the timing
and the precision of it
maybe it’s
the alignment
and the gravity of it
maybe it’s
the quietness
and the pace of it
maybe it’s
the feel
and the feeling of it
maybe it’s
the internal
and the balance of it
I don’t know
but I’m at peace
when I’m out there
there is no
period at the end
of your sentence
it is a story
that goes on
and on
and on
chapters change
becoming more
becoming less
essays condense
into a single line
cast out
words are not wasted
thrown away
your mind expands
with each experience
what it brings
what it takes
the stitches and rips
the clay spins
and spins
the beauty beheld
is basic
the way a child sees it
what is felt
is carried over
like clouds
in a square window
that move
in the eyes
of those left dying
in a bed
somebody else died in
and the sheets are washed
and again
and again
clean like a cloud
after it’s rained
and spring has come
all green
a nest with three eggs
life opens
and again
and again
slopes of green
waving by
was a backseat window-watcher
drawn to the pathways
wondering where they led …
what was up over that hill
it was the closest i ever got
to golf
in my 30s, I would get out of the car
and walk those pathways
listening to my music
then get back in the car
and drive away
and repeat the next day
it never crossed my mind
to actually play
just loved being out there
on the greens
in the quiet of the morning ray
then I turned 40
and it was like something in me
woke up
golf didn’t care
if I was 40
didn’t care if I knew nothing about the game
didn’t care if I was a stay-at-home-mom
didn’t care if my career was over
didn’t care if I was still struggling with my past
golf didn’t give a damn!
bout any of that
after hitting nothing but dirt for so long
I’ll never forget
the first time I ever stood
on the hill
and didn’t feel like a fool
‘cause the lessons
Jimmy gave
and I got into position
with my used Callaway driver
and rifled the ball
like I never thought I could
it was like electricity coursing through me
and I just stood there
up on that hill
and felt the drops
roll down
in the sea
fall like snow
in a glass globe
somebody picked up
and shook
then quietlike
the ground
put it back
on the shelf
where it was
he held
her hand
like a hinge
does a door
to open
and close
In the Stillness
not a drop
on the pond
smooth and bare
no skipping stones
or loss of hair
no casting out
or reeling in
it is quiet here
like early morning
a butterfly makes no sound
as she flutters
all around
Tiger Tough
over the course
of a lifetime
one undergoes
a series of deaths
the loss of youth
is a death
the loss of a parent
is a death
the loss of a friend, your best friend
is a death
the loss of your self …
your worth in the world
is indeed a death
the drainage of loss
leaves a lot of space
to drown in
hold your breath!
‘til your body rises
from the floor
and when you break the surface
get on your back quick
and float
so, when night comes
you can still see the stars
from where you are
and if there are no stars
that night
just close your eyes
and drift to your dream …
there the stars
and when you wake
in the sea of sorrow
get a good stretch in and roll over
on your belly
taste the tears lapping against your lip
feel the waves wash over you
hear the wind rush past
squint your eyes ‘til they adjust
the sky’s still blue
you’re alive
that mystical map
embedded in the soul
will bring you back
from where ‘ya been
and it won’t matter
no more
it won’t matter
no more
‘cause being lost at sea
doesn’t mean
you won’t be found again
but you gotta roll over first
roll over
the leveler
of life
is death
the stream
becomes a square
frozen cubes
the button there
crushes squares
into pieces
a drift of snow
at the bottom
of a glass
set it down
and forget
you left it
distracted by
the sun
no more squares
the pieces run
down the glass
like drops
against a windshield
waiting for the light
to turn
Yes, Please
a peppermint
is easy to grow
repels mosquitoes
and mashed up
will turn a cup
of hot water
11 Past 10
she still
loves to run
in the pouring down
she still
cries crocodile tears
if she forgot
to kiss daddy bye
she still
feels sad sorry
for the worm
the ant
the half-wing thing
she still
wants to pick-up every stray
cat and dog she sees
and take ‘em home with her
and have me take care of ‘em
she still
won’t eat
a tomato
less it’s pulverized into oblivion
she still
puts her pulled tooth
under her pillow
and goes to sleep
smiling like a Cheshire cat
she still
plays the piano
for the pure joy
of it
like painting
and dancing
and flipping
on the trampoline
she still
sleeps with Blue
from those crib days
and protects him like a mama bear her cub
she still
has to be first
down the stair
through the door
up the hill
down the street
around the corner
through the gate
she still
hits a golf ball
better than me
or the guy next to me
she still
can do a double round-house kick
over my head
without stretching first
she still
feels the day
and takes it in
like a song
like a sonnet
like a prayer
she still
asks tough questions
when there aren’t any
easy answers
she still
gets lost
in a story
but only if
it’s really good
then she’ll re-read it
five times
she still
has expectations
“Great Expectations”
of how life should be
she still
loves school
and learning
and understanding
and becoming
and being
and making good friends
she still
thinks the same
told 100 times over
is as funny as
the first time
she said it
she still
wants to be BIG
but stay small
she still
has to have
the last word
the last piece
the last laugh
the last shhh
she still
wants to be held
(thank goodness for that)
she still
has a dream …
about a secret garden
and a Tudor-style mansion
and a cheetah as a pet
(why a cheetah)
and me as her maid
and finding a home for all those strays
and helping the helpless
be happy
and I have no doubt
she’ll make it happen
and it’ll be better
way better
than what she dreamed of
when she was jest
11 past 10
Simple Pleasures
no other time
of year
than this
right here
right now
bald branches
grow back their hair
flowers every
tomato plants
grow stronger
by the day
to bear such weight
orchards their fruit
from the soil
good things grow
An Adjustment
man, I loved
could go for miles
and miles
that feeling
how it felt like flying
I miss it bad
especially, in the springtime
driving along
watching runners run
and this morning
the urge was so strong
maybe it was the wind
had to hold myself back
and keep on walking
when all I wanted was
take off
and it woulda been wonderful
felt like a million
but by this time tomorrow
I’d be hurting
limping around
not able to walk
yeah, walking ain’t running
not even close
but it’s something
and sometimes
something’s better than nothing
I almost, almost took off
this morning
looking down at my feet
I felt ‘em lift
the sparks inside
The Voice
gave her an opportunity
and she didn’t waste it
at 15, Brennley Brown
brought the house down
win or lose
she did what she was supposed to do
she pulled you in
and held you
in that pure place
where the right words
at the right time
sung the right way
make you stop
and listen
and pray …
“I went up to the mountain
because You asked me to
up over the clouds
to where the sky was blue
I could see all around me
I could see all around me
sometimes I feel like
I’ve never been nothing but tired
and I’ll be walking
til the day I expire
sometimes I lay down
no more can I do
but then I go on again
because You ask me to
some days I look down
afraid I will fall
and though the sun shines
I see nothing at all
then I hear Your sweet voice, oh
oh, come and then go, come and then go
Lord, telling me softly
You love me
so …”
(song written by Patty Griffin)
Day to Night
right now
the leaves are resting quiet
it’s 80-something-degrees
the sky’s a robin’s egg
everything’s in bloom
birds and butterflies and babies
people are outside
mowing their grass
walking down the street
biking and hiking
and driving with their windows rolled down
just a beautiful day
but come nightfall
the leaves will be whipping wild
it won’t be so warm
the sky won’t be blue
all the blooms blown away
people will be inside
flipping channels
watching the weather
Alabama’s in the red
that ain’t good
no school tomorrow
there’s tornado talk
and rumored hail the size of baseballs
lovely, jest lovely
finally got my greenhouse up and running
and now it’ll be spinning away to munchkin land
oy vey!
but for
a moment
the bumblebee
inside the ruffles
of a flower
“Ace up the Sleeve”
we met
in his garden
I call it his garden
‘cause he knows each plant
by heart
he likes customers like me
‘cause I have to have them all
he opens his doors earlier than his 8 a.m. sign
‘cause he’s old-school
and when he asks if I need any help,
he actually means it
if it weren’t for his injured shoulder
he’d of gladly lifted and loaded my four bags of soil
instead he calls for someone else
in the meantime, I ask him how he hurt himself
and he tells me he fell
tripped over some cement bumper thing in a parking lot
and that was that
now, he’s hoping physical therapy will keep him outta surgery
he’s learned how to adapt and adjust
from cast to sling
there’s a sense that he can do this with most anything
before I go, I ask him if he can order certain plants
he says he can
and I ask him if he can order lily of the valley
he says he always carries that and to check back
in 2-3 weeks
a shipment should be here then
I can’t believe it
my first flower will be here in 2-3 weeks
just like that
he has no idea what this flower means to me
but I do
in 2-3 weeks
tiny white bells will ring
in all the world
across the great ocean
the highest peak
the meadow between
there is the sky
with its orbs of light
the same as then
the same as now
the same as after
in ancient times
this present day
there are clouds
that shift
by day
and stars
that blink
by night
seek the sun rise
and set
feel the rain
each path is different
do not hurry
it goes by so fast
In the Smallest Thing
the mini
died in her food
shortly after Papa’s fish
floated away
and now, there’s a white moth
an “Agreeable Tiger Moth”
found at the front door
and thought to be dead
by the wing
toted him in
and set him down
startled by his sudden movement
he wasn’t dead
but tired
from the night before
too weak to take off
he’s resting on my desk
amid two tomato leaves
and a drop of watermelon
he made it through the night
no, I don’t expect him to live
only in my memory
this moonlit moth
that landed at my door
and gave me pause