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Author: Tamiko Lowery

Left Behind

Left Behind

in six lanes

of traffic

in the spring of the year

somebody’d lost

their pieces

along the side of the road

there was a shoe

it looked like a good shoe

there was a shirt

it looked white

or maybe it was blue

there were other things, too

but it all went by so fast

colors blurred

only that there were


scattered things

left on the side of the road

and it felt like rain

coming down




he believed

in the magic

of great love

and wrote about it

in such a way

that it resonated

in the heart of the reader

this notion that two ordinary people

coming from two different directions

one a world traveler and one who’d never been anywhere

could meet

on an ordinary day

in the middle of their lives

and experience an extraordinary love

beyond reasoning

beyond reality

beyond circumstance

“it all fades away”

(Robert James Waller, 77, March 10, 2017)





the very


of our infancy

we become

but a memory

of our former selves

there is no returning

to any state-of-being

in the original form

the mind remembers

the sights and sounds and smells

the taste and touch

it can be conjured up

but it cannot be re-lived

as it was

an old man can return to his boyhood bed

and lie down and go to sleep

but will wake up not as a boy

the body of the boy and the mind of the boy

is gone

but the feeling is still there

an old lady can go to her closet and pick out

the dress she wore

and put it back on

but when she stands in front of the mirror

the girl is gone

but the feeling is still there

once you leave a state-of-being

you become infinitely more

than you were

the whole of life

is connected

in transformation




in the quiet


spring grows


a prelude

to summer

and an ending

to winter

perhaps nowhere

does it seem



as i am

as i am

when i was

a child

i disappeared

inside myself

and locked the door

it was a way to cope

with the uncontrollable

circumstances i found myself in

i felt like a prisoner

time forgot

and it didn’t matter where i went

or what i achieved

or what dreams i had

i couldn’t escape

even when i physically had

moved out and on

the inner child

was still stuck

in uncontrollable circumstances

beyond my control

my need for control in all things

is apparent

I crave simplicity

simple things like taking a walk

i took a lot of walks growing up

i felt at peace in nature

there was connection there

an unspoken truth

i knew no matter how dark the night

the sun would rise in the morning

i knew that daffodils would go away and come back again

like the monarchs

i knew the trees offered shade and strength

i knew the sun would kiss the water

and diamonds would appear

like stars in the sky

i knew the wind would fill me

the rain renew me

the sunlight sustain me

these were things i could count on

things that didn’t require

anything of me

for they were free

those were the gifts

He gave

to me


Into the Night

Into the Night

the black sky

spit out the stars

and when they hit the ground

they shattered

into drops

that disappeared

into the dirt

years go by

24 years

and a forest appears

bringing birds

that sing




she colors

the sun yellow

and brings down the ray

to the green grass

that moves like the leaves

in the weeping trees

fluid like clouds in blue water

I lie down

and pick a flower

and twirl it round

and watch a squirrel scurry up


where the birds are

the turtle takes its time

to get to the other side

the rabbit’s chewing a carrot

the cows are chewing grass

the horse is chewing hay

the ladybug’s chewing a leaf

a butterfly takes a dance

across the wind

the hummingbird checks in

there are shadows on the ground

mountains in the distance

a garden full of roses

red apples in the trees

purple grapes on the vine

a path that leads

to a cottage

the windows are yellow

like the daffodils by the door

that come back waving

each year




it never

occurred to me


I love dollhouses

so much

why a grown adult

would rather have a dollhouse

with a miniature family

and all its miniature pieces

over diamonds and gold

a dollhouse symbolizes

something constant

something secure

it’s a lovely, happy, peaceful place

to live

the orphan in me

loves the little family

that lives in the little house

with all its little things

the mom in the kitchen

the dad at the table

the baby in its crib

they’re all together





after you

went and died

your son gave me

a packet of pictures of you

for my birthday

I saw you as a young man

but my favorite

was the picture of when

you were a boy

in a blazer and tie

the look in your eyes

was the same I remembered

I put that picture in a frame

and put it by my bed

‘cause it helped me sleep at night

remembering you like that

it helped me deal with your death

waking up and going to bed

and walking around

and around

it’s been a year

a little over a year

and it doesn’t hurt like it did

I hung your picture on the wall

‘cause I can finally sleep at night

without you there

beside me




there are

violets in Tanzania

blue violets

picked in the mines

the darker the day

the more brilliant the color

like a diamond

in a black box

a star at night




the aging process

is a quiet thing

like a knife

that runs along the skin

first you don’t even realize

just stings and goes away

you go make plans

on summer days

and all the while

the cut creeps down

the middle

and there’s an ache

that wasn’t there

and you forget

what you were gonna say

the phone rings

so you talk about that

and it’s tomorrow already

your child is grown

that place on the corner closed

the two-lane turned four

so and so just had a baby

you gotta find something to wear

to that thing

when did it get so cold

foot’s cramping

the knee stops running

stuck on a wheel

hair’s losing color

skin’s losing layers

the neck starts dropping

the face has a ripple effect

that spreads all over

the body

you’d rather stay home

and watch it on television

yeah, it hurts

to get old

I’ve watched it

on others

saw it for myself

the slow decay

and what it does

to you




the cut gets torn

wide open

like a broken zipper

on a jacket

you can’t close

when did it get so cold

colder still


The Lessons

The Lessons


is where

i remember things

and turn them over

sometimes it takes me years

to understand

the smallest thing

the study of it

in its nature

that even then

i was learning something


that i would need

for later on


“Eye of the Tiger”

“Eye of the Tiger”

last night

SEC football fans

got a title show

and they didn’t have to pay for HBO

mere minutes

can change history

as any fighter knows

Alabama did not tote that trophy home

what a way to start 2017

in a Sports Illustrated piece

I read about the opposing coach

and how he showed his team

a clip of Rocky II

see, that just ain’t fair

you can’t mess with that mindset

they all thought they were Rocky out there

and not even the Tide can roll over





the pumpkin

on the porch

looked like

a scoop of ice cream

that splat off the cone

leftover from October

like a tree in December

all the shipments of roses in February

are dust by March

that’s how it is

a picture can’t capture it

it’s not the same

the weight of a pumpkin in its prime

its bright orange color

speaks of pies and hayrides

and then it’s time to pick out a tree

or find the fake one

and dress it up

from head to toe

then strip it bare

and toss it to the curb

or stuff it back in the corner

the glitter of New Years

has been swept up

off the floor

all the shelves are full

of hearts and flowers

and stuffed teddy bears

those stupid commercials

a diamond is not forever

there’s the idea of love

and then there’s real love

everybody thinks they’re in love

until they’re not

I still think

if you truly love somebody

you will love them

for all of your life

it won’t be a choice


Natural Light

Natural Light

the branches

are wet with rain

and chilled with ice

I see them winking

in my window

a string of twinkle lights

plugged into the sun

they need no night





I know

better now

for better do I know


when once I would deny

repute or dispel

all the adjectives

think I know better


the truth

the telescopic lens

tunnels to the moon

it cuts out all the stars

and space

when one wonders

of the galaxy

beyond one’s lighted face

none of us belong


there is a lift of all

to rise above

such sorrow

and hear the bells

that toll

a compilation piece

of season

silent in its movement

like aging

at our birth

the disappearance

that is death




I walked

to the water

and knelt by the sea

the suitcase I carry

got too heavy for me

I don’t need that anymore

I said to the woolly blanket

and I threw it out to shore

I don’t need that anymore

I said to the dear diary

and I threw it out to shore

I don’t need that anymore

I said to the open empty jar

and I threw it out to shore

I don’t need that anymore

I said to the dried dark rose

and I threw it out to shore

I don’t need that anymore

I said to the cinder block brick

and I threw it out to shore

I don’t need that anymore

I said to the worn out right shoe

and I threw it out to shore

I don’t need that anymore

I said to the worn out left shoe

and I threw it out to shore

I don’t need that anymore

I said to the broken crack mirror

and I threw it out to shore

I don’t need that anymore

I said to the soft hard snowball

and I threw it out to shore

I don’t need that anymore

I said to the winter white candle

and I threw it out to shore

I don’t need that anymore

I said to the gold gilded music box

and I threw it out to shore

I don’t need that anymore

I said to the picture and its place

and I threw it out to shore

I don’t need that anymore

I said to the one-way ticket

and I threw it out to shore

I don’t need that anymore

I said to the hermit crab shell

and I threw it out to shore

I don’t need that anymore

I said to the black dress I wore

and I threw it out to shore

I don’t need that anymore

I said to the envelope

and I threw it out to shore

I don’t need that anymore




all along

there are moments

that stop us

humans need that

the breathtaking

and the heartbreaking

these moments make you reaccess


as you take it all in

where you are in life

how happy or how unhappy you might be

what you love about your life

and what you don’t

nothing jest happens

or is

without a bit of work

you’re not jest healthy ‘cause you woke up and took a breath

it takes work

your space isn’t jest clean and clear and calm jest ‘cause it is

it takes work

you don’t jest reach your goals jest ‘cause you wrote ‘em down

it takes work

you don’t jest become more than you are by standing still

it takes work

you don’t jest fall in love and stay in love

it takes work

you don’t jest plant a garden and walk away and expect it to grow

it takes work

you don’t jest up and understand how you came to be

it takes work

you don’t jest change yourself for the better

without working on yourself

every day

it takes work