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Author: Tamiko Lowery

Down Syndrome

Down Syndrome

she’s always

on time

so if you’re

running behind

you won’t see her

at all

and if there’s a lull

between minutes

she’ll be halfway

back to the door

by the time

you roll out

but if you’re

on time

that day

she will have just

come out

and started walking

down her driveway

all adult-like

and by the time

you pass by

she’ll be slowly

bending down

to pick up

the paper

like it was important

something she did

all her own

without any help

from anyone

not even the one

in the house

standing there

at the window




ever wonder

how pure

the photo

is …

the one


ever shot

and hung

ever wonder

how pure

the song

is …

the one


ever spun

and sold

ever wonder

how pure

the rose

is …

the one


ever cut

and bottled

ever wonder

how pure

the grape

is …

the one


ever mashed

and labeled

ever wonder

how pure

the kiss

is …

the one


ever felt

and forgot


How It Is

How It Is

if you

roam around

a w h i l e

and peek in rooms

not yours

you might glimpse

a love that lives

in private quarters


and frameless

against the prying eye

the pickpocket

true of any love

if that’s what

you would call it

and maybe why

you’ll never read

a word about it

or watch it play

across the screen

you might pretend

to know

how it is

and think

you’ve held it

once or twice

but unless

you’re standing

in the room

to feel it

how would you

know it

how could you

know it

how it is


In Wait

In Wait

patience is

a pet

that lies in wait

for hours

they go to sleep

for years

with two door knobs

in their ears

and even when

at last

they hear the music


and cue the dance

of tap

they wait in line


the bags of produce


books and ballet

they are but

the remainder

of the day

the last light

of dawn

they scrounge around

for the love

that’s left

devouring the crumbs

they eat their meals

as if they’ve never tasted food

and out the door

they run

as if the trees had never stood


they lift their nose

to the bird

and press it down

to the bug

they sniff the green off the grass

the dust off the dirt

the bark off the limb

they pause

with one paw up

and take it in

as if it is

their very being


Dress Shop

Dress Shop

she used to

buy her dresses


back when

she wore dresses

rooms with racks

of pretty pieces

and she’s standing in every room

walking through every door

feeling the fabric

eyeing the stitching

raising the hem

to fit

her petite form

and she’s asking me

what I think

of the blue one

and I tell her

“beautiful … granny

you look beautiful …”




a pocket

of time

some a second

others hours

stopped at the quarter

different time zones


when we were

when we weren’t

stages of growth

growing now

each weak

makes you stronger

makes you weaker

given the take

what is a mistake

but a moment

of movement

across the board

depends on the turn

do you go backward

or forward

or stay where you are


Robin Williams

Robin Williams

63 years

he rolled

outta bed

and pulled on

his face

and stretched it

to make it


and over time

the smile

got stuck

in place

so nobody ever

had to ask

if he was



The Dance

The Dance

quick, quick


quick, quick


sidestep, twirl

sidestep, twirl

forward, back

forward, back



lift and fold

lift and fold

get back up

get back up

shoulders square

arms are there

point that toe

hold it, hold it, hold it

roll and bend

roll and bend

try it again

try it again

that’s it

that’s it

don’t stop

don’t stop

right there

right there

bravo, bravo, bravo

again, again, again

do it again …

and this time smile




and there was

a stream

that waded in

pooling in the corridor

and rising in the room

it left no corner dry

as it seeped into

the weeping wall

and stirred the ground to grain

and there they swam to her

and when they reached the bottom boat

that cradled her

they could not wake her up

for she was much too tired

had rowed much too long

in a restless sea

still they clung

to the side

trying to get a leg over

needing to say something … more

but the boat was drifting


sailing to the setting sun

and as they watched it


they felt the weightlessness of water

pushing them back to shore

and in the stillness

of the night

they lie spent in the sand

their eyes trained

on the evening star

(April 30, 2012)







are kept


small bodies

of matter

where they


dots of glitter


on the tongue

like grains of sugar

like white sand

like powdered snow

the syllables


like waves

into space


in the atmosphere

that is here

and before

the letters align

like stars

that reach meridian

they twirl about


by echoes

of thought

or sound

or placement

there is no purpose

of being more

of being less

there is no intention

no imposition

no implication


they just are




really knew


of him




we just happened

to like the same room

with the big window

‘cause you could

watch the birds fly

and the rain fall

and people come and go

this was his domain

but he let me stand there

next to him

without a word

and at first

I’d ask him some dumb questions

but he’d never say


which was just as well

‘cause I had nothing to say

this room

was a getaway

the only spot in the place

where you could breathe

and he understood this

he’d sit helpless

in his rolling chair

at that window wide

day in, day out

staring past the tree

the street

as if he was waiting

for somebody

to come

and maybe they came

when I wasn’t there

maybe they’re there now

I hope they’re there now


Three Rays

Three Rays

the chair

sat empty

at a table

seating six

moments of


mixed with

hilarious eruption

the five

rocked back

to the tune of three

a broken record

they tend to play

over and over and over

never tired

of the notes

the golden notes

of days

they bask

in its ray

and pocket it


for when the sun

don’t shine

and the moon and stars

are somewhere else


they know

each of them

they know

batteries can die

if you don’t

keep ‘em charged

so they stay





he was

what he was

my first love

and i met him

in an airport

in New York

on a rainy, windy day

in the middle of


and i didn’t know

who he was

or what he’d say

or if it even mattered

and it didn’t matter

much at all

nothing mattered

but the moment

that moment when

he looked at me

and i him

and everything else

fell away

and i was

all there was

or ever would be

and we got

on that plane


and he held me

all the way

and we never spoke

but i could hear him say

all these things

to me

he kept telling me

all these things

and i just

looked at him

as he said these things

these jumbled, rumbled, tumbled


that ran together like a sing-along

and i just sat and listened to the song …

his house

he says

is mine

the room


is blue

the little wooden bed

is where i’ll rest my sleepy head

the books against the wall

some are short

some are tall

like the dolls with their hair

some are short

some are tall

like the dresses

and the heels

the records

round and round

like the dogs

and their barking

some are short

some are tall

like the tweets

in the cage

like the snowflakes

on the shield

the sword

like the memory

of that moment

the length of all these years

with him, without him

some are short

some are tall

and i saw him

two times more

in an airport

that 5th grade summer

that college freshman break

and both times were

short and tall




the sensation

of sound

can carry you


to infancy

and forth

to sedentary

 pots clanging

the show on television

the door opening

… closing

the spoon scraping

the bowl

the dog barking

people talking

the rain falling

the wind blowing

the AC clicking

the heater switching

the washers running

the phone ringing

Granny singing

somebody laughing

somebody crying

the chair pushed back

the page turned down

the footsteps in the hall

the hand on your head

the pat on your back

the kiss on your cheek

the memories you keep

the alarm buzzing

the shower sting

the crank of the car

the tread


put it in park

get out and walk





She Is

She Is

when it comes

to tangible


and though




they were

and thankful

I was

it is

an altogether




to open

crumpled packages

taped and tied

and she’s helping you

open them



Mother’s Day

Valentine’s Day

Any Day

she’s helping you

open them

can’t wait

for you

to see

what all

she picked out

for you


in her room

among her

most favorite treasured things

and she could

love, love, love

the locket

or the music box

or the peach tinged rose

or the silver broken butterfly wing

or the neon marker

or the mouse that jabbers and zags

or the Mexican maracas

or the monkey that jumps out of his box

or the rocks she found in the river that day

or the heart shaped paperweight

or the mustache pen

or really quite anything

that was given

or kept

or loved a whole lot

this is what

she wraps up

in crumpled paper

taped and tied

for me

to open up


“Master Builder”

“Master Builder”

she brought

to me

a little Lego tree

on a little piece

of grass

attached to a strip

of sand

that was

attached to a strip

of sea

and said,

“see … that’s a tree

and that’s the grass

and that’s the sand

and that’s the umbrella

in the sand

like at the beach

and that blue part’s

the ocean …”


Fighting Fish

Fighting Fish

and I forget

how long

but it’s been years

since we

bought him

on a whim

at that pet store

down the street

found him sitting

on a shelf

with a ton of other


sitting in the same


his speck eyes

sizing us up

and we agreed

he’s the one

and she held him


in her backseat booster

all the way home

but the best part

was that moment


we lifted the plastic lid

off that container

and poured him out

into a big bowl

of water

and watched him


and he did

a backstroke

and a butterfly

and scuba-dived

and looked at us

through his glass goggles

and winked

with those speck eyes




he sat

beside me

and smiled

like he does

and asked

“so, what’d you do today?”

like he already knows

what I’ll say

and at first

I thought about


what he already knew

I’d say


but for some


I said


“well, this morning

I wrote a poem

and watched a hummingbird


and let the dogs out

and let the dogs in

and fed the cat

and gave the baby rabbit a bottle

and changed the bird’s water and food and laid a fresh sheet

and did the same for the white rabbit

and dropped 4 pellets in the Betta bowl

and put the dishes in the washer

and the clothes

and waited on the Queen

and made a cake

the bed

her read

and worked out

and watched her nuke a burrito

and cut it up

and cleaned up Kool-Aid

the toilet

the crumbs

the counter

and watched

“wax on, wax off”

and cooked macaroni

and baked chicken

and put the laundry away

and taught her how to do

a jumping round-house kick

and played some music

and moved to it

and tried to find the UFC fight

for Saturday night

and let the dogs out

and let the dogs in

and fed the cat

and gave the baby rabbit a bottle

and put the dishes up

the pen down”




the cloud


tore like cotton

in my hand

like marshmallows

in hot water

getting smaller


like bubbles beaded

in a bath

getting lighter


like foam fingers

on a wave

getting closer


the print

battered in sand
