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Author: Tamiko Lowery

“No Girls Allowed!”

“No Girls Allowed!”

wonder what

men say

when they’re away

from the wheel

leaned over the bed

of a Tonka truck

boot on the back bumper

spitting over their shoulder

laughing like teenagers

just turned 16

kings of the court

baseball braves

football phenoms

rock star waves

comedian crazed

wonder what

men say

do they whine like women

gossip like grandmas

argue like lawyers

curse like sailors

what is it

they’re trying to convey

as they talk and talk and talk

gasping for breath

punching at wind

recalling where all they’ve been

who, what, when

this universal thing

that draws men in

and keeps ‘em fountain fresh





there were times

but you were busy

too busy to bother

so sought the stair

a single step

bleachers back


hear a beat

charge it to the moon

look at the ground

the dirt, the grass

feel the fan

will the rain

close my eyes

and see





what of the words


that in a glance

you say

marry me today

and we will live

“beyond the border”

and push our boat

away from shore

and drift to the rim

of rain no more

the lightning line

where the “ring of fire”

slips the sky

for a burnt kiss

beneath the veil

and in its wake

the sea blinks

back the tears

and a wave

of diamonds

sail the wind

and scatter

like stars

where no moon

has been




spider lines

cast out

and catch

the morning ray

like silver strands

that stream

through a head of green

damp with dew

and the wind blows through

and through

from far

and away

a distant day

you know it not

for your jar is full

of light

and you keep it there

at night

right by your bed

where you sleep

and wake up

and you forget

your jar

is blown of glass

not welded of steel

and when it breaks

regardless of the care

will the light


continue …

to spin and spin




they took

their hammock

to a tree

and stretched it

to another

and got in

like caterpillars

and the rest of it

fell away

as they lie


leaf to limb




they inched

along the aisle

this man

this woman

this child

and a sense

of something sad

seemed to surround them

permeating from their pores

as they trudged

to the front

to check-out

and this woman

yells at this man

she married

“Matt, What Are You Doing,

Get Over Here!”

and like an obedient and beaten down dog

he does what he’s told

without a whimper

and this child

between them

does not react at all

for he wasn’t smiling





careful not

to drop the top

she toddles

through the door

a baby no more

and tells me

to come quick

for there’s treasure

in her pockets

and there on the carpet

a small Stonehenge


and she tells me

she would have gotten more

had she had bigger pockets

and she picks each one up

and holds it to the light

to show the shape

the cut and color

and then she shows

how to stack ‘em

“like that”

and in the space

of that

my past is her present

and I’m amazed

how it rushes back


“like that”




sat there

too long

through three songs

looking out

past the view

beyond the list

of “things to do”

and in the mini mirror

catch a glimpse

of this guy

flying by with his buggy

his black coat

a blanket over his boy

maybe three

he picks him up

and tucks him in his seat

with the black blanket

and puts his parcels in the back

and pushes his buggy

where it belongs

and gets in

and is gone

as if he wasn’t there

a second ago

like that throw-away plate

parked two rows up

and Chesney sings

‘bout the loss

of certain things




have you

ever tried

to answer

the questions

of a child

and found

yourself unsure

of what to say

how to say it

when to delay it

and in your head

you think


why does it have to be

this way

why is the world

in such trouble

why are people in peril

pretending nothing’s wrong

“that it’s just the way it is”

why can’t we see

past our plate

the checks we write

the doors we darken

the corners we pass

are we a self-propelling population

was that a person

we just passed

why is he standing

like that

why is she walking

that way

are they in pain

what is that


Fifth Masters

Fifth Masters

no more so

than yourself

in your ear

an echo

in your heart

the truth

what is great

in anyone

is not a trophy

a cover or a coat

the intangible

is what separates

the good

and the great

and no one

can tell you

which is which

less you let them

don’t let them

just be




the soap

on the sink


and shrinks

to make

a bowl of suds

for hurried hands

in need of gloves

devoid of soil

spit and oil

clear of can’t

and won’t

free of salt and sugar

spilt milk

and cracked eggs

a burn that bled

red and red

run the water

run it right

‘til it runs clear

and moonlit bright

like a lake

in summer

slow to speak

pew reposed

an unhurried verse

Frost wrote




what scar

have you

baby blue

did your mother

rock you

your father, too

was it gentle like a lapping wave

or rough like a crashing cascade

was there a song

for you

was it soft and soothing

or did it scream away the cow,

the moon

did you grow up

too soon

was pain your spoon

was there a choice

in choosing

to stay, to go

or were you too young

to vote

but not too young

for war

did you watch

the bodies fall to floor

was that your mother

on the ground

was that your step-father

with the gun

did he turn and run

and catch a bullet in the back

did you hear the shot

did it bust your drum

this ringing in your ear

do you still hear …

baby blue

what scar

have you




turned on

the faucet

and it broke

in my hand

and kept gushing

out water

into the sink

spilling over the side

onto the floor

like it never had before

and then it was up

to my neck

and I swallowed a breath

and held it

and swam out the door

and the water kept rising

and rising and rising

up the walls

from the floor

punching out windows

busting down doors

and I watched

everything I’d saved,

and thought I’d need someday,

carried away

but I was ok

and then I woke up

and it was





she …

this woman

that is

every woman

will be strong

in ways

that have no weight

in brawn or beauty

for a woman is

what every woman is

from the moment

of her birth

there beyond

her perfect form

and clear complexion

is a being

that even then

draws reserves

for whenever when

she is called

to be

what it is

she has no choice

of being

for within

each woman

is an endless stream

that she will weep

whenever when

and from that well

she draws

her strength

the strength

that comes

from all the women

that ever were

or ever will be




it was what

he wasn’t saying

that I heard

and I wish

I’d had the words

but only

his Mama would

and I know

what he’d give

to have her here

to tell his troubles to

and she’d know

just what to do

“and they’d laugh

‘til they turned blue”

no more

and the sunlight

would stream

through the windows

of her country kitchen

and she wouldn’t waste

one minute

there’d be flour


and pots bubbling

and chicken frying

and casseroles rising

and pies puffing

and lemons swimming in sweet tea

and he’d be whistling all the while

a happy tune

of better days

and it’d be

the best meal

he ever had


with his Mama

in her country kitchen

filled with words

of whispered wisdom

(I wrote this for Mitch Sneed

after we ran into each other at a yard sale in 2011.

Mitch is with his Mama now, July 2018)




you’re born

and live a little


and somebody knows you

and nobody does

and you gather yourself

from “Great Expectations”

dark desperation

and hide yourself

behind a wall

and only on your knees

do you let it fall

and day turns tonight

and night turns today

and you chomp

about this

and that

and the other

and everybody loves you

and everybody hates you

and you get in the bed

and you close your eyes

and it’s the closest you’ll get

save the birth of your child

when you first fell in love

and the numbers turn

and you wake up

and you get out of bed –

whatever you call your bed

crib, twin, queen, king

car, street, ditch, bridge

and you go on …

at your best, at your worst

wounded or weary or whole

preceded by … survived by … restored by …




the washer water

is rising to the line

the giant hands

that turn time

have cut into

the pie face

and taken

a generous slice

the dog

relieved himself

on the fern

and thought

it was funny

and that was

before coffee

and Myrtle the turtle

didn’t make it

her tiny funeral

last month

reminded me of

Spidy the cat

who went out

for a walk

and never came back

his elf bell collar

a warning to birds

was found in the forest

and whatever got him

wasn’t wearing a bell


Human Nature

Human Nature

“if it bleeds,

it leads …”

that’s what they say

in the paper business

and people on the street

shake their heads and say

they’d rather bathe

in the fuzzy, feel-good fluff

not death, destruction and demise

“Oh, My!”

yet circulation is high

off a homicide

not so much

off a “Syrup Sop”

and so it is

and so it goes

sad stories sell

murder’s front page

“fall from grace”

headline every time

so, remember that

next time

you’re sitting there reading ‘bout

death, destruction and demise

“Oh, My!”


One Way Street

One Way Street

to have

a car

or a truck

or a motorcycle

or a boat

or a mower

or a golf cart

or whatever on wheels

and climb aboard

whenever you please

owner of the key

and for decades

you’ve sat at the wheel

millions of miles

open and shut

crank and back up

cruise and return

and you know every bump

every back road and dead-end street

every turn, every stop, every bridge, every track

could close your eyes

and still get back

and then just like that

the key’s on the rack

and somebody tells you

you can’t go back

and for the rest of it

there’s a window seat

and you pass the same tree

go through the same neighborhood

sit at the same lights

and watch the person

to the right

owner of the key

sitting there

at the wheel

with millions of miles

to go

and they think

they know

where they’re going


Mr. Smith

Mr. Smith

he used to


in his driveway


not sure at what …

but he’d stand

that way

for a while

each dawning day

there in his undershirt

and uniform pants

maybe he was admiring

the pristine green

that was his lawn

courtesy of his wife’s

diligent demeanor

 or maybe he was

following the wing

of a bird

or a butterfly

or a bee

he could have been

watching the wind

play with potted petals

or following the line

of his shadow

end to end

who knows

but him

later in life

he’d be joined

by a little, fluffy, yapping dog

white as his hair

that he’d treat like a child,

the child he never had

but the dog

did what dogs do

and got old

and sick

and too tired to yap

or stand in the driveway

guess he did, too

last week

he made his wife

a widow

after 59 years

but something

tells me

he’s staring

at her

each dawning day