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and tonight

he’ll be done

with high school

no more bell ringing

No. 2 pencil breaking

A, B, C, D or E

all of the above

lockers slamming

soles squeaking

talking trash

and trucks

heavy on the pedal

music blaring

trying to get that girl’s


good boy being bad

taming his curls with a cap

acting like he don’t care

Ruger knows better

and the puppy ain’t talking

that hot summer sun

sweat on the brow

working with his hands

enrolling at Southern Union

hoping welding does the trick

poof … he’s outta here

the young always wanna leave

fast as fall leaves

just so they can come back


and he will be different

it will never be as it is now

and it’s funny how

his whole life

he’ll be trying to get back

to this place … this feeling

no longer a little boy

not quite a man

but somewhere

in-between the trees

twigs in the dirt

branching out

limbs and leaves

a stick in the sand


only what it ever imagined

it could be

perhaps more …

shade for the weary

shelter for the sparrow

hooks for the spider to weave

leaves for the ladybug

a maze for the butterfly

bark for the squirrel to run up

and down

a cradle for the mother bird

a jungle gym for the little boy

with dirty feet

in need of a sturdy branch

for his sword

to slay the dragon

and save the maiden

so fair and true


Published inTamiko Lowery