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there are people

out there

who think

they have friends


they really do

but haven’t a clue


a friend is not

a perfect present

that you unwrap at whim

feeling fuzzy and fake


don’t make that mistake


for friendship

is not a layered cake

that you cut into

and take and take

and expect to

crown it with a candle

and sing a jolly jingle


what a wasted wish


being real

is no party


 it’s a 3 a.m. call

from jail


it’s a cut wrist

or a single shot


it’s the “worst-case scenario”

played out


it’s a mess

like oil in the ocean


it’s an arrow apology

that fell short of the board


it’s a drunk fist

a verbal assault


it’s the deepest disappointment

the saddest song


it’s a collision of wills

that never faults the driver


it’s a coward

that hides until it’s “all clear”


it’s a field of flowers

following the wind


it’s everything wrong

with the world


it’s a broken bottle

you stepped on


it’s static

on a dead line


it’s Hell

when it hurts


but the worst

is not feeling


so, remember my friend

keep the cake

forget the present

don’t waste the wish


be willing to die a little inside

or you’re already dead


Published inTamiko Lowery