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Ink in the Blood Posts



there’s an

empty space

where grass now grows

10 decades ago

there was a house


in that empty space

where grass now grows

there were ruffled curtains hanging in the kitchen

dishes in the cupboard

furniture heavy on the floor

art on the walls

flowers in the vase

food on the table

candles lit and blown out

doors opening and closing

little paws tap tapping

music good music

voices in the hall

loud laughter

silent tears

brushing teeth

and washing faces

changing clothes

and shoes

writing and reading

watching and listening

making and breaking

planning and packing

messes to make and clean up

washing and wearing and washing and wearing

taking things down and putting things up

lying down

and getting back up

turning the water on

and turning the water off

like the lights

and the stove


and timers

the television

each room

had something unique to say

something old or new

like a play up there on stage

the cast and crew

the story based on a book


opening scene

I Act


II Act



no intermission

the curtains close

the house lights come on

and go dark

the seats sit empty

like the room

the house

everybody left

they all left

and went home




the ash

has been swept

the rains

have come

and gone

like footsteps

on the street

the rise and fall

like the sun winking awake

and the moon yawning to sleep

wherever in the world

the remains


preserved in the memory of the mind

the heart of a child


When She Was

When She Was

the princess

at the pond

stood in stone

at the end

of the path

a row of red roses

in her wake

she was once

so young

and beautiful

but over time

the seasons


summer and winter

so different and so the same

had left her



all but the butterflies


as the leaves fell

into the pond

like petals

from a flower

her statue a shadow

in the sun

a silhouette

by the moon





wrapped within

people in their places

mostly lost


sucker for a story

the first page

not the last

I like beginnings

where it’s possible

and easy

all the mess in the middle

skip that

I hate roller coasters

and the way it ends

endings are so final

a tiny dot


at the end of a sentence

that had so much to say

but ran out of space

I love happy endings

not the sad ones

like Titanic

I hate that movie

every time I watch it


what happened to the magic

the magic in the movie

the story

the script

the revision

Jack lives

he gets to live

why didn’t he

get to live

where was the edit

the final edit

somebody sick that day

he should have lived

Jack …

and his Happily Ever After

with Rose …

I hate that movie

and that stupid song Celine sings



The Stone

The Stone

the fade

of light



or otherwise

the curtain falls

when it falls

in all stages

big or small

the progression

of time

turns us all






like a stone in a tumbler


after the turbulence

the grit is gone

like the mud it laid under


inside the stone

a million stars spill out

like sunlight on the sea



In the Night

In the Night


the glow

of a winter white


I climbed

a spiral staircase

and found

a thousand years

sound asleep

at the bottom

of a weeping


in slumber

I woke up

and walked

in circles

searching for

the switch

that would turn on

all the lights

and in the darkness

of the night

I stumbled

over the moon


From Tee to Green

From Tee to Green

you push

a giant toothpick

in the ground

and place a ball

on top of it

and grip the leather

and take a practice swing

‘til you hear it sing

then into position

your body

and mind

and so it would seem

to the spectator eye

such a simple thing

to get from tee

to green

in short order

and repeat it

year after year

no matter the weather

the up and down

the hazards

but a glimpse

of what you see

on tv

or around a tournament town

doesn’t begin

to graze the surface

the struggle within

there are so many elements

in play

that test who you are

who you think you are

what you’re capable of

what you think you’re capable of

and in those hours

of bend and build

there is a quiet

in the dew drop mornings

the biting frost to blazing heat

the torrential rain to not a drop

the barely a breath to whipping gusts

the blue skies to crackling thunder

the dusk to dark

it’s all there

on courses long and short

the lessons

the private lessons


the reassessment

the adjustment

the learning and re-learning

the simplifying

becoming less

becoming more

constantly evolving

continually revolving

from the ground



Blue Roses

Blue Roses


for groceries

but lost in the flowers

veered over

to the boxes of boutonnieres

lined up on the shelf

like mini black caskets

these weren’t the plastic pathetic kind

the box said real

behold a blue rose

that never dies

ironically the rose will last

a long, long time

so long as

you keep it away from the rain

and the sun

perfectly preserved petals

that never age

or crumble

embalmed beauty

for the masses

not even a rose can die


‘cause of shoppers like me

who buy up all three


The Lake

The Lake

the road

is the same road

nothing’s changed

about it

in 20 years

only my shadow


it used to fly down the road

with a hummingbird heart

before the coffee was brewed

and the dogs barked

then down to the dock

the stillness of the water

rippled only by a fish

or a turtle peering up

or a bass boat crawling by

I’d stare at the water

like some stare at fire

thinking or not thinking

that’s the part

that hasn’t changed




if you keep

in mind

the line

behind you

the lines

beside you

and the line

ahead of you

you’ll better


the lines

how they


the beginning

the ending

and everything



Mitch Sneed

he was gone

before the ink could dry

on the page

nothing slowed him down

for long

like Rocky, he got up

he wasn’t anywhere near perfect

but he was real

and if he loved you or hated you

you felt it

he could talk to anybody anywhere

at anytime

he had tremendous empathy

for the down and out

the hopeless and hurting

he could relate to the pain

and loss

he’d give a stranger his last dollar

and if you had no family to stay with

he’d be your family

no matter what he’d been through

or how hard it was

he remained hopeful

and grateful

humble and kind

he might of been a newspaper man

to some

but to me and to many

he was a teacher

who could teach you a thing or two

about life

he sure didn’t waste it

like that Blake Shelton song

“man, he lived it …”


The Moth

The Moth


would you then fall


and disappear

into the mountains

sit somewhere by the sea

and forget how forgotten

flowers fade in vases

ripe fruit rots

in the bowl

the wind is roaring

through the field

no trees to shield

or shelter

quiet is the night

that whispers early in the morn

and the birds are still singing their song

as the white moth dies a slow death at the door

and if I could talk to him

I’d ask him why

why does he keep coming back

to the flame

knowing he’ll get burned

time and again

is it because he’s stupid

or full of hope

or blind

or all of the above

who knows

or maybe after being burned

by so many beautiful brilliant bulbs

he just stopped feeling the singe

and became numb to it

this can happen overnight

which, of course, means the beautiful brilliant bulbs

can’t hurt him anymore

as he lies dying at my door

he doesn’t hurt anymore

‘cause he’s finally free

to fly




when something



like the heart

it cracks open

creating space

and as time goes by

the space spreads out

f u r t h e r

this gives the soul somewhere

to wander about

as it waits its turn

to go home


The Dying

The Dying

in the abyss

one searches

the dark

in a timeless night

forgetting all things


and forward

all the steps

it took

to get there

and then you’re there

at the ending

when all you want

is the beginning

when you were first born

shaking and lost

and somebody wrapped you up

and held you close

and you could hear their heart beating

and it was familiar to you

this soothing rhythmic sound

from far and away

and then you were asleep


A Wrong Turn

A Wrong Turn

she woke up

that morning


he woke up

that morning


she had never met him


he had never met her


for whatever reason

they were both traveling

the same road

that night

at exactly the same time

and for whatever reason

he was driving in the wrong direction

she had no time to react

they died on impact


The Wind

The Wind

the blades

of grass

clean shaven

down the stretch

after the rain

the black bird struts

his stuff

the squirrels race

to the top

turtles are sunning

on the bank

minnows moving

in the pond

a butterfly remembers


it had no wings

and wastes no time

resting on flowers

as if it knows

the wind will take it

wherever it goes




in a single

s e c o n d

the sun fell


into the sea

leaving suds

to wash and fold

the sand

that dried between

my toes