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Ink in the Blood Posts

U.S. Navy RE-1 Heath Phillips

U.S. Navy RE-1 Heath Phillips

I salute you

for your courage

for your bravery

for your heart

you never fought

in war

and yet you

saved so many lives

more than you’ll ever, ever


may you finally

sleep at night

and wake up

in the morning



The Beach

The Beach

there’s an endless rack

of white lace

rows as far

as the eye

I spend 5 days

slipping dresses on

and off

taking my time


or no

my bare feet

tip toe

across silk

I shed something


as I return

the dresses

I wore

and put the pearls


in their shell


Winding a music box

Winding a music box


but beautiful

like the days

a butterfly lives

like a song

that plays 3 minutes

you hear at 100

like a passage

in a book you read

when you were young

and when you were old

you understood

like a meal

that took hours and hours to make

and minutes to devour

but there’s something about the flavor

and you search for it

at every table

like a movie

on the big screen

that made you sit there

after it was over

and everybody left

and went home

like a snow day

you have to roll in it

and throw it

and catch it

and make it last

like a garden

that bears in the summer

and folds in the fall

like a dog

after a bath

like a firefly

at night

like candles

on a cake

like fireworks

in July

like Legos

in small hands

like skipping a stone

across the sea

like a dance

first and last

like saying hello

and then

saying you gotta go

that last look

before the eyes





it’s raining


she stirs her cup

and listens

the sound of it

like a rush

over rocks

saturates the soil

a stream in the street

hurries to the grill

seated in the gutter

the symphony rises

to ovation

from the belly below

a tire splashes


like drops hitting the tops

of umbrellas

they hurry home


Mr. May

Mr. May

I’m sorry

I didn’t attend

your funeral


even if I’d known

I wouldn’t have been able

to go

‘cause you can’t be in two places at once

unless you’re in that scene in The Notebook

anyway, I should have been there

and if I’d been there

I would’ve known

and not had to read about it

I just couldn’t make myself do it

I wanted to see you again

but I couldn’t get out of the car

I couldn’t walk through the parking lot

and punch in the code

and wait for the doors to open

and walk past the nurses’ station

and into your room

you on one side

and someone new on the other

I just couldn’t do it

I thought about it … a lot

but I couldn’t get past the pain

and I’m sorry

for that

I’m sorry,

Mr. May


At Peace

At Peace

in England

tiny bells

of lily

were ringing

at the noon


and an empty seat

was saved

a quiet in the crowd

like a leaf on water

her little boy

grown up

and married

to a woman

she would have chosen

to sit by


In the Fields

In the Fields

daisies are


happy flowers

light on their petals

they have buoyancy

in their range of movement

from the buggy

to the breeze

to the car

to the counter

to the vase

they have a special place

in the fields of my heart

they outlast

even the rose

and when they die

as ballerinas do

they simply bow their haloed heads

a ring of white feathers

whirling and twirling

into the wings

out of the spotlight

off stage

they find a quiet corner

and rest






















































frozen fingers

on the line

in the sky

an aircraft

the sun on its wing

takes the girl

off the ground

and lifts her

to the cloud

the quiet cloud

wisps in the window

like sheers

in the wind




he’s revered

at church

by the pastor

and the congregation

whole generations

has a cross

in his yard

and designated awards

and accolades

and ceremonial gestures

of legacy

and so on

and so forth

wherever he goes

somebody knows him

who he is

but do they


know him

not even his family


he continues on


would never admit

any wrongdoing

nobody would ever believe

he was ever wrong

he himself believes

he did no wrong

but the God

he professes to


that grooming

a teenage girl

for sex

is dead



Only the Strong

Only the Strong

heard how

you died




to kill off

the pain

for good

to feel nothing

at all

and you might think

it was all about her

and how she broke you

how you couldn’t bear to live

in a world without her


but you gotta know better

better than that

heard about your dad dying

a boy needs his dad at 14

a boy will always need his dad

especially in his 20s

his mother, too

heard she wouldn’t come

wouldn’t come to see you

and that tells me all I need

to know

only met you

that one time

and shook your hand

you can tell a lot about a person

by the way they

shake your hand

I liked you right off

had a sense of a good guy

unsure of himself

you’re gonna get through this

you might think you won’t

right now

but you will

nothing in your life

will ever be this hard

or hurt this much

which will make everything else

just everything else

in time, you’ll see

you’ll see

you didn’t need her

to make you happy

and whole

or your mother to hold your hand

or your father to give you advice

or your friends to understand

you’re made of more than memories

more than this

so much more than this

trust yourself

in who you are



In the Puddle

In the Puddle

there’s a crescent


carved out

long ago

and I forget

it’s even there

even though

I look in the puddle

every day

as I scrub my teeth

and moisturize

I notice all the sunspots

that freckle my face

and the rings

under my eyes

and neck

and yet

I don’t see

the moon

right there

under my eye

like i did

when i was little

and used to think

it was put there on purpose

so one day


any day

they’d be able to

find me

but I don’t think like that


looking in the puddle

this morning

I stood there

a moment

staring at the crescent


right there

under my eye

and reached up

to touch it

and thought to myself

it looks more like a tear

like a teardrop

that froze on my face

long ago

and I wonder why

I never realized this

‘til now




it rained

on my head

and I woke up

with streaks

and every time

it rains

I wake up

with more streaks

and I forget

to cover my head

whenever it rains

‘cause it’s not on the list

and if it’s not on the list …

then I forget

too bad there’s not

a tree

to stand under

there’s never a tree


when it starts

pouring down

you get caught off guard

no warning boom

or electric jolt

or shadows of gray

you walk in the door

feeling ok

the sky’s blue

the clouds white

there’s sunlight

babies and butterflies

green grass and pink petals

maybe you stayed

too long inside

and lost track

of time

it got dark


rain without warning

you walk in

and you walk out

and you wake up

in the morning

with streaks

in your hair


My 11-year-old Daughter

My 11-year-old Daughter


“how do you


a CIA agent?”


what? why?


“that’s what I want

to be …”


yeah, no



“I’d like to be a spy, too”


yeah, no

spies die …

don’t you watch the news


“no, you won’t let me”


yeah, well

the news is not for you

and neither is the CIA

or being a spy – they all die


“but Sherlock Holmes is a spy

and works with the CIA”


Oy Vey


what happened to you

being a chef

or an architect

or a scientist

or a cartoonist

or an author

or an illustrator

or an interior designer

or being an inventor

like Tesla

you love Tesla


“yeah but, I’d rather be a CIA agent

– wouldn’t that be so cool … let’s go to the library

so I can check out some books on the CIA”


where’s your father at …

this is all his fault …

he always wanted to be 007

go get your father and tell him to come here



Don’t Get Me Wrong

Don’t Get Me Wrong

in ways

too many

to tell

my life

has hastened


my back’s


to the counter

I hold up

gone is the girl


who dat

welcome to the misery

that is mid-life

my life

stuck on repeat

this sad, slow, commercial-free song

gone gold

top of the Billboard charts

oh, you don’t know

don’t know that song that’s playing

trust me …

give it five, 10, 20 years

you’ll know


I get why

people buy bright red cars

and Botox the L out of their face

and change the color of their hair like underwear

and get a passport and fly to anywhere-but-here

and take their money and gamble it even if they don’t know how

and go to rock concerts and jump up and down like dogs at the door

and end up taking yoga and golf and cooking and pottery and Tai Chi

and reading every article about skincare and going organic and what vitamin does what when

and wearing workout clothes for daytime, nighttime, bedtime, anytime

and saying things out loud that you thought you were just thinking to yourself

and pumping gas and wondering who the L is that reflected in the car window you’re looking at

and getting online and looking up the word: Mid-Life …

“the central period of a person’s life, generally considered as the years from about 45 to 55”

10 years of Mid-Life


then what

60, 70, 80, 90

wisdom is overrated


and aging is a cruel crime


they up and throw away the key

so, if you’re young

be young

I didn’t say stupid

don’t be stupid young


so, you can make it to mid-life

60, 70, 80, 90

don’t get me wrong

it is a privilege

to get to grow old

no matter how sad

the song


One Loaf

One Loaf

I’m in

a big box


with a buggy

brimming over

with whatnot

and I’m tired

and I look around

and the guy

behind me

puts his one loaf

of French bread

on the conveyor belt

I just look at him

and his bread

and think

“as God is my witness

this will be me

one day, someday

without a buggy

with this one loaf

of French bread

and nothing more”

this is a simple guy

who probably lives

a simple life

he seemed at peace

with himself

and his simple life

I love simplicity

and yet I choose complexity

every single time

why is this

I could take every single item

out of my house

my car

and I guarantee you

it’d all find its way back


why is that

I’m confounded

I like that word: confounded

think I’ll go to the store

and buy one loaf

of French bread

and nothing more

(I gotta know what that feels like

at least once)

Update: I walked into Sams

the other day, May 10, looking for

copies of The Giver, but they were all out

so, I walked out … with nothing

and it felt so weird – what do you do with your hands


If, a poem, by Rudyard Kipling

If, a poem, by Rudyard Kipling 

IF you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:

If you can dream – and not make dreams your master;
If you can think – and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings – nor lose the common touch,
if neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
And – which is more – you’ll be a Man, my son!

Rudyard Kipling

(I memorized and recited this poem aloud at my HS graduation.

It is a poem about resilience, and I can’t help but think of Tiger Woods at The Masters 2018)

Les Chefs De France

Les Chefs De France

I sit

in the square

at a table

with one chair

watching the pace

of people

go by

some measured


others unsteady


the ease

and grace

mingled with

the faltered

the fragile

canes and wands and swords

wearers of watches

and empty pockets

and mixed-up minds

the fountain rumbles like a distant


and the pink flowers

behind black bars

catch the eye

of a passerby butterfly

on its way across

the Seine

where the roses bloom

and extend

like a prima ballerina

rippling across

Swan Lake


Happy Easter Mr. Kraft

Happy Easter Mr. Kraft

in 2015

he stopped

just like that

in a blink …

it was over

he stopped

not because

he wanted to


but because

he had to

the shell of his body

no longer worked

the way it used to

like when he was a boy

and he could climb trees for days

no problem

in Easter 1965

there were two

twig-like trees in his backyard

and he hung 18 plastic eggs on them

in Easter 1994

he added 332 to the 18

and then

many, many, many years later

he would use a ladder

to hang his eggs

all 10,000

on his backyard tree

no longer plastic

but real

hand-painted Easter eggs

one by one

he would hang them

off the limbs

of his crabapple tree

10,000 Easter eggs dripping off a crabapple tree

in the snow

is a sight to behold

it’s different than a Christmas tree

all lit up with ornaments

an egg

symbolizes re-birth


10,000 eggs made him happy

made his family happy

made his neighbors happy

made his country of Germany happy

made people around the world


they came to visit his crabapple tree

babies and toddlers and school-children and teenagers and college students

and young adults and the middle-aged and the silver-aged and the golden-aged

such a simple thing


to hang an egg on a tree

and yet it can be

the one thing you did in your life

that really mattered

that meant something


Happy Easter to you

Mr. Volker Kraft

your tree

made me very happy


thank you for hanging an egg

on a tree


Dear Dad,

Dear Dad,

once a year

I open the latches

on the suitcase

I carry

and take out the albums

and turn the pages

the man I remember

is there

the child I was

looks back at me

there are no baby pictures

just an orphan shot

of a toddler

standing in black and white

then sitting beside you

on an airplane

headed home

new photos would fill the frame

in color

those early years

while only a handful

would live inside me


until your passing

when your heart exploded

mine did, too

I picked a Midler song:

“Wind Beneath My Wings”

and tried to go on

I think I loved you

a little too much

is all

I know you’re still here

with me

that you never left me

my hair is slowly turning gray

I call them my highlights

before long

we’ll be the same age

I can still see you


the way you were

and I don’t need a photograph

for that