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Parking Lot

Parking Lot

they took

the track

where the

old guy

in the tan sedan

got out

and walked

his quota

they took

the track

where the

heavy-set crew

adjusted their pace

to the breath

it takes to talk

on the phone

they took

the track

where the


run their race

and fly over

orange cones

they took

the track

where the off-duty

let off steam

patrol pounds

they took

the track

where the children

were at

the ones who

skipped ahead

and left a laugh

a hoot, a holler

they took

the track

where the sun

would rise

and set

where the rain

would drip

and drizzle

where the wind

would whip

chap the lip

where the puffs

were cubes

and the surface

fried an egg

they took

the track

where all those soles

came and went

they took

the track

dug it up

and dumped it out

in piles

turned the oval


so they could

park there

they took

the track

and replaced it

with that

and the old guy

the talkers

the teens

the off-duty

the kids

the jogger

we ain’t been back

‘cause they took

the track

thanks a



Published inTamiko Lowery