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Category: Poetry

The Table

The Table

it was

wonderfully long

like Alice

in Wonderland

and this time

the seats were filled

with real bodies

not pandemic poster


of characters

reminiscent of

that “Unbirthday”

in 2020

and as I sat there


that seats were

finally filled

there was no escaping

the unspoken sadness

of empty seats …

we missed you


we missed you

Uncle Steve

we missed you

Papa T

we missed you

Uncle Jeff

we missed you

Granny E

we missed you


we missed you


yeah, but you

already know

the grief of grieving

is slow

and lasts

the length of life

for those

still sitting

in their seats

singing Happy Birthday

to beloved Granny

and my baby



Wild Rose

Wild Rose


for as far

as the eye

can see

they grow

in places


as such

off the path

or down the barrel

in seasons

dew and dust

where no tourists

claim to touch

for there’s palatial plenty

as such

cultivated and temperate

in hot houses

they bloom

on time

already pressed

kissed for the occasion

their fate sealed in the seed

the bouquet of the day

whether it be

a promise

a note

a sonnet

a vow

an apology

or a parting

of ways

the bygone day

roses seem to say

what we couldn’t say

their petals float

in backyard puddles

and Parisian canals

they serve as confetti

in the air

and condolence

on the ground

symbolizing something

quite dear

strength and beauty

hard pressed

between the pages

of joy and pain

but the wild ones


for neither

pain nor joy

they bloom

without want

of plan

or need

of purpose

they dress no table

no gown

no coffin

no door

no knee

no aisle

no holiday

no parade

no prom

no ballet

no some


to say

they just are

as they are

without expectation

or explanation

worry or want

there is no

pre-paid order


or quotas to fill

no gardens to gaze

or nurseries to tend

or castles to vase

or derby to race

or manicured lawns

or runways in Milan

a wild rose


as it is

for no particular reason

on no particular day

of the week

or the month

or the year

or the season

it just is

as it were

as it was

as it will


it just is




there are graves

buried at sea

long ago

there are graves

buried in the sky

where sparks fly

there are graves

buried in lands

where the blood runs


there are graves

nobody sees

or ever finds

there are graves

in lines

way too many lines

over time

where do they end

there are graves

inside and outside

this country

marked by

an American Flag

waving in the wind


or invisible

one does not

have to see it

to feel it


“Middle Distance”

“Middle Distance”

in a room

of books

just off the side


on a Sunday

sometime before

like an afterthought

they had picked up

all the Poetry

they had

and shoved it

to the back

far corner

wedged between

a rack of magnets

within the realm

of children’s books

near the barista

that talks

and the cashier

that talks

and the parents

that talk

there was jest

enough room

to stand

and reach

and it was there

in the middle of my life

that I first met

Stanley Plumly


Easter Bunny

Easter Bunny

I name him


he appears

on the lawn

before the lights

come on

in the house

I never see

which direction

he comes from

he’s already there

and been there

a while

I watch him

out the window

as he munches


it rained last night

so he has more on his table

he eats fast

he knows there’s a cat

that’ll be up soon

prowling about

he saw what he did

to the chipmunk

last week

and it wasn’t pretty

he eats faster


is his motto

at least that little girl

ain’t chasing him


wonder where she went

he ain’t taking no chances

she used to sneak up on him

and try to catch him good

while his head was down

but the Robin

on the line

always warned him

before she got too close

his white tail


like a taillight

in the distance

he could hear her hollering

Come Back !


Above the Ground

Above the Ground

the Christmas tree

is brittle brown

weighted in the rain

it lies there


surrounded by a forest

in spring

five months ago

it was green

standing giant in the room

bare and beautiful

before the jewels

or crown

it was stunning

in its natural form

rooted in the ground

growing in its branches

lifting in layers

sturdy and strong

the wind within

rushing through

and out

dispersing drops

like twinkle lights

amid the tinsel of snow

and glittered frost

an ornament

in its hair

cardinal red

quietly resting



Air Jordan

Air Jordan

in 1 hour

and 52 minutes

the stars aligned

creating movie magic

in theatres across the country

where you forget where you are

and you let the story

take you back

in time

hitting the pavement

and knocking on doors

and losing sleep

and never wavering

from belief

the belief  that one day


a mother’s dreams

for her child

would be realized


and she’d watch him


as effortless as an Eagle

across the sky


Papa Sherwood

Papa Sherwood

it’s been dark

out the window

thunder and lightning

since your daughter


and said the word:


home hospice

had to get off the phone

thought we made a deal

you promised

what happened

you’re 7 years short

of the deal

now your house

is flooded

the garden’s under


the birdfeeder just floated by

blueberries are bubbling up everywhere

your rose bushes are all a mess

your American Flag is soaking wet

now your tractor’s gonna rust

and your Christmas lights are shorted out

your camera lens got busted

your Velcro shoes are somewhere at the bottom

where your desk is

all the battery back-ups won’t charge

the locks have lost their keys

the keys have lost their locks

the grill just fell over

the crank to the ice cream bucket’s


your coffee cups are in pieces

your postage stamps and envelopes

won’t stick

all your clothes in the closet

are too heavy for the hangers

your mailbox is up river

in someone else’s yard

your thermostat is set to heater

your watches and trinkets and gadgets

are scattered about

there’s no wind in your windmill

or footprints in the soil

the phone is off the hook

the table lost its setting

all the dishes fell out the cabinets

pictures missing out the frame

there’s debris everywhere

your house is spinning

off its axis

in Kansas now

with the cows

somebody left the gate

open …

go on then

your Mama’s calling

see your son waving

he’s been waitin

go on then

there’s your Daddy

coming up

on the horse

it’s ok

you can walk now

don’t need the cane

look at Frannie go !

she’s missed you so

go on then

Granny’ll be ok

you left her

in good hands

go on then


The Well Within

The Well Within

as a parent

your natural


is to protect

your child

it’s not something

that goes away

with time

you never want

to see them hurting

and yet you know they will

there will be times

when it will hurt

and you cannot change that

for all the drops in the ocean

their journey is theirs


they must draw

from the well


when things get


to comprehend

in a black and white world

you mustn’t forget

the gray

the varying shade

of gray

it’s up to you then

to paint

not what you see

around you

but what you see

within you

like what the wise fox whispered


to The Little Prince

“and now here is my secret,

a very simple secret:

it is only with the heart

that one can see rightly;

what is essential is invisible

to the eye …”


For My Father

For My Father

the drive took

3 hours

and one day

24 hours

1,931 miles

from here

to there

that’s how far

you drove

that day

I wasn’t in the car

with you

but i was

right there beside you

the whole way

it rained the whole time

but you kept driving on

through the dark

getting closer to the city

the city of lights

you made it

and had to pull over


it was a lot

but you made it


starting over

at the bottom

when you lose


that matters

it gives you


an internal perspective

on life

you saw those Vegas lights

on the darkest dark of nights

blurred in the rain

and woke up

in the sunlight

and the birds were still singing

your heart still beating

and i was there

with you

and i knew

you’d be ok

i needed you to be ok

so i could be ok

so i could see you again


be there

to bury you

30 years to the day

and I know

you’re ok

when I wake up

in the sunlight

and the birds are still singing

my heart still beating

i know you’re ok

‘cause i’m ok


Raining Crystals

Raining Crystals

used to spend


on a dirt road

digging for quartz


it wasn’t paved

back then

but a cloud

of dust

a muddy mess

when it rained

hot on bare feet

in the blaze of summer

rock hard in the dead of winter

took so many walks

up and down

that dusty dead-end

never searching

for gold

‘cause there’s no prism

in a nugget

but if you hold a quartz


up to the light

there’s a rainbow

in your hands

i had a collection of color

something hopeful

in my pocket

since then my collection

has morphed

into Swarovski

anything with a sparkle

stops me

so when I saw this ginormous quartz


under a spotlight

incased in glass

I stood there


my daughter noticed me

taking pictures

of it

and listened to me

ramble on

about how

i used to dig in the dirt for hours

looking for a cut of crystal

diamonds to me

and here was this enormous slab

that reminded me of that scene in Superman

the fortress of solitude

it was something to see

up close

but nothing quite

could prepare me

for the sight of it

in my house

full of rainbows

and light

the weight of it in my hands

on the day I turned 50

and all I could do was



Dessert Plate

Dessert Plate

the plate

was empty

void of art

or color


circular in nature

a plain

marshmallow white

it sat on a shelf


not knowing

for what

until a small hand

reached up

and lifted it


suddenly the plate

was full

it had color

and design


it had never


like this


and even after

being scraped

and submerged

and scrubbed


and put back

on a shelf

the plate

was no longer


or empty

as it were

for it had


its purpose


Eminem’s Jade

Eminem’s Jade

she is

the best


that ever


to him

she helped

heal him

just by her being

just to be here

in this moment

in time

amid the roses

and the melody

they’ll dance

the daddy-daughter



i know …

i know …

what it’s like

to be home


over and over and over


i know

what it’s like

to be hungry

over and over and over


i know

what it’s like

to be afraid

over and over and over


i know

what it’s like

to be burned

over and over and over


i know

i’m not  a l o n e

people survive

their circumstances

or they don’t

they go on

or they go


what could be


than suicide

to think there’s


to live for

no more

too many

have left

not strong


to face

the night

or the day

but what’s worse

than that

is taking

not only your life

but the life of


innocent others

who never stood

a chance

they walk in

with guns blazing

with the intent to kill

not only themselves

but anyone and everyone

in sight

they hole up in their


with the intent to kill

not only themselves

but their spouse

their very children

anybody in the house

they get behind the wheel

with the intent to kill

not only themselves

but whoever’s in the car

with ‘em

they take the pills and drink the poison

with the intent to kill

not only themselves

but whoever’s around ‘em

they offer it up or force it down

they walk around free

and clear

getting away

with murder

with rape

with the intent to harm





but a body’s soul

belongs to but

no one

the soul cannot

be killed


i know


Behind the Curtain

Behind the Curtain

Roberta Flack

still plays

on her green piano

“Will You Still Love Me

Tomorrow …”

her undeniable voice

echoes through time

and space

like the mist

over water

leaving its veil

“The First Time

Ever I Saw

Your Face …”


The Wind

The Wind

it once was

a beautiful


carefully crafted

in glass

fired by breath

in ember

it would hold

a waterfall

where a white rose

still enclosed

would sip

there was no warning

when the storm hit

the wind so full of force

knocked the vase

to the floor

where it shattered

into stars

marking the night

the waterfall

crept away

in waves

leaving the stem


the rose had lost

the sun

and the moon

and all the stars

all at once

the storm had

dug into the dirt

and made a hole

and covered it


‘til there was no trace

no scent


so much of nothing

even the rose


forgot …

so she slept

beneath the dirt

as the seasons

came and went

not knowing

that even in the dark

she was still alive

still forming

there was no warning

when the storm hit

the wind so full of force

dug into the dirt

down deep into the dark

and lifted the rose


and they danced


far away

from the forgotten place

where time had stopped


the wind laid the rose

in a garden

and wept over her

‘til she adjusted

to the light

the rose had changed

now fully formed

it had been growing

in layers

in the darkness of nothing

and that night

the earth moved

and time resumed its


the rose saw the stars

shattered in the night sky

so far away

from where she was

and it was like seeing them

for the first time

and the moon


with its full face


like a ray on the rose

and after long reflection

she saw herself


remembering how roses


and in that moment

there in the garden

in the season of the sun

she knew no







was back

in town

the one I didn’t

grow up in

but grew up in

driving the interstate

from exit to exit

in the pouring rain

seeing my stories

for the first time

on the front page

of a newspaper

that somebody somewhere

would read

with their cup of coffee

right away the lady editor

sent me out the door

with directions to a house

in some neighborhood

I’d never been before

where a painter lived

a painter of roses

back then I couldn’t afford

her exquisite works of art

but her perfect petals

graced the front page

in color

and I’ll never forget it

and how I hoped

she would like the story

she called

and I felt like

I had won something

you can’t buy

I hadn’t been back in town

since 2003

after the internship ended

20 years ago

and as I was leaving town

floats went by

and as I sat there watching

this small town parade

go by

I smiled and thought

how much this would have touched

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

that a small town in Georgia

would never forget