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Ink in the Blood Posts



a ray of light

laced through the leaves

of two sequoia trees

and somewhere between

the gift and the sea

the storm broke


as thunder and lightning


and tornado winds


a gentle rain

fell down

like the sunlight

through the cloud

soft and hazy


That I Loved You

That I Loved You

25 years ago


your death

would change me

change the course of my life

and maybe I’ll never understand

the why

all I know is

you called me that night

right before

and we talked for the last time

you were just getting off work

and would be home any minute

that’s the thing about minutes

they never stop ticking

you can fall in love

and get married

and you can find yourself

a l o n e

pacing the floor at night

‘cause he’s late coming home

waiting is the worst

10 years can go by

and you become somebody’s mom

and you realize

this beautiful baby

has the power

to break you

like nothing else


and the minutes keep ticking

for all of your life

the minutes keep ticking

you can live through the hardest times

and accept what you’re afraid of

understand what’s out of your hands

that pacing the floor is part of it

part of loving someone so much

is the part I struggle to find

how to let them go

knowing what I know

some of us get to grow old

and some of us

do not

the whole of life

is in this moment

would that I never forget

in the dark of night

the lonely hour

pacing the floor

waiting …

would that I never forget




I’m too sad

to speak

so don’t talk

daffodils don’t talk

but they say things

I’ve watched them

in a storm

and saw them

the morning after


their bulbs lit

on the ground




I stare

at water

the way it moves

or doesn’t

but can

like liquid in a kettle

or a bath

I stare

at fire

the way it starts off

like a blink

on a cake

and ends up spitting out sparks

grilling trees

into char

one section at a time

‘til there’s nothing left

but ash

I stare

at clouds

until they make sense

and then pull apart

like cotton candy

at a fair

sometimes they just sit there

like a marshmallow in hot chocolate

slowly melding

I stare

at snow

how it covers everything it touches

then disappears

like the rain

I stare

at the wind

even though I can’t see it

I feel it

running through my hair

or barely breathing

against my cheek

it can make a Monarch butterfly

miss its flight

to Mexico

and carry a kid’s balloon

so far off

it becomes

a tear


from Heaven


Kane Brown

Kane Brown


I love your sound

heard you in my sleep

music moving through my mind

a gift given

in your darkest hour

when you had nothing …

you had everything

put your pain on the page

and lifted it

stadium high

love ‘em all

the whole album

Cold Spot

Better Place


but track 13

I mean


the melody

is everything




a tree

can stand

so strong

and steady

for a thousand years

its bark

once soft

with scratches

the branches bending

in leafy green


in time

the elements rewind

fire and rain

do damage

a relentless wind

rips off every leaf

a brush of lightning

a trail of termites

an axe at the back

takes its toll

seasons shed

ice over

thaw in spring

new growth appears

like butterflies

and bumblebees

and chainsaws

and even thousand-year-old trees

can fall

slam to the ground

in seismic vibration

a tree no more

becomes instead





or framing

hardwood flooring

a door

a boat to float away in


baseball bats

bow and arrow


hockey sticks

a coffin

or simply a sheet

of paper

to write on

draw on

or fold




and airplanes

for nothing

ever does


the same


As Time Goes By

As Time Goes By

for the rest

of their time

on earth

they will wait

as day folds into night

and night folds into day

and the seasons become one

they will wait

they will never stop waiting

no matter where they go

or what they do

or what happens

or doesn’t happen

they will be there

waiting …

for their children

to come home

from school




the birds on

Butcher Row

just wanna be fed

off the crumbs

you don’t eat

their dreams are trees

the branch closest to the sun

is the warmest one

and when it rains

as it does

there’s something to drink

a puddle for bathing

the flight dries the feathers

and the view at the top

is not

just for an Eagle

or an Owl

or an Angel


In the Window

In the Window

there were


reflected on black windows

mirrors that see

across the street

nobody lives there anymore

they turned off the electricity

and shut the door

their mail sent to the North Pole

what would they have wanted

you don’t actually see the wind blowing

only what’s in the way

across the street

is a restaurant

where people go to eat

and say things out loud

and when there’s nothing to say

there’s music

songs on rotation

the clang of cleanup

chairs scraping the floor

ice hitting bottom

you can think so loud it shows

so many things you never say

or said

everybody dies

but not everybody





we are

complex creatures

that seek simplicity

in the profoundness

of place

where we are

at the age we are

on the sliding scale

they say the world is round


maybe unending

we all begin again

I am a student

as I have always been

and will be


The Guy in Gray

The Guy in Gray

warmer than

it was


the sidewalks converge






and the guy in gray

looks new

his eyes downcast

he’s jogging

and it’s hard when you’re heavy

especially uphill

before 8 a.m.

but what he doesn’t know

is the effect

people watch people

in a split second

the mind sees


motivation in action

and files it

for later


By the Dozen

By the Dozen

a vase

of white roses

slowly die

by day

not a natural death

cut short

and hauled down the highway

to the market

for sale

gone is the sun

the wind


four walls

without grass or leaves

bought for their beauty


a sentiment, a gesture

a notion long held

the boy at the door

the lover in love

the married man

roses require

no sonnets

or dragons slain

cut and dried

pick a color

any color


The Sea at Night

The Sea at Night

the light


from red

behind a lone rig

we crawl

and it feels like a train

slow moving

reminds me of rain

gobbling on glass

I could drift

on over

and pass

buy why

I’m not in a hurry


got Olivia Mae on repeat

the moon’s looming large

and I can’t count the stars

not alone

when I’m alone

encapsulated in my car

my hand at the wheel

I could go anywhere

past the limits

find my way to the beach

take off my coat

and shoes

walk down to the edge

where the water pulls at the sand

and stand there

‘til I can’t see my toes

no more




the movement

of the body

is a gift

the movement

of the mind

is a magic gift

the movement

of the spirit

is beyond

a gift

to forget this

to lose this

lose touch of this

is detrimental

to our very being

our existence

above ground

the seeker inside

must be a child

who wakes up from a nap

and is

truly awake

truly present

in the moment

missing nothing

wasting nothing

all gifts in motion

like the waves

in the sea



Snow Day

Snow Day

there’s glitter

in the air

it shimmers

like white sand

and sparkles like the sea

stars on a cold night

the dew on grass

drops of rain on a branch

diamonds crunching


a chandelier of icicles


a pauper is king


Something Green

Something Green

you don’t have

to have

a hundred acres

to be happy

you don’t even have

to have

a backyard

to be happy

dirt is free

natural and abundant

dig some up

and put some in a pot

or a container

or whatever

and put some holes

at the bottom

drain out the water

seeds or rooted plants

don’t care where

you put ‘em

whether it’s a hundred acres

or the backyard

or a single pot

something good will grow

if you water it

and put it in the sun

and hum

you’ll be happy


The Unexpected

The Unexpected

never ever really


a jewelry-kinda-gal

I like pearls


and that’s about it

or so I thought

and I wasn’t even shopping for myself

looking for something special

for my daughter for Christmas

when my eye got caught

on something blue

it was a ring

in a simple setting

and as soon as I put it on my finger

I knew

I had to have it

but I wasn’t shopping for myself

so I stood there

like a fool

staring at it under the glass

mumbling to myself

what am I doing

I’ve never bought myself jewelry like that

but that day

something came over me

and there was no way

I was leaving

without it

and the nice lady

even wrapped it up gold

with a ribbon

as if I could wait ‘til Christmas

soon as I got in the car

I ripped it open

and put it on my finger

and sighed with relief

the color of the stone


reminds me of the sky

and blue water

it’s like having a teeny tiny pond

always on hand




the ground

is cold

so cold

to the touch

you forget it was ever


maybe it’s warm below

or maybe it’s ice cold

the wind is winter

birds do not bathe in winter

breath of smoke

like a chimney in a row

a cup of coffee carried

the snow fell

like an afterthought

and then decided why not

and covered the ground

clouds on the grass

I do not walk on clouds

I swim in the sea

and bathe like a bird

the water warm with suds

toes tangled in seaweed

so much of life is left in a wake

the compass cuts four ways

just hatched turtles

have no choice

they belong in the ocean

a line in the sand





on this

the new day

of the new year

what is it

that causes you

to pause

and reassess

we all have an internal list

of sorts

spoken and unspoken

acknowledged and unacknowledged

mine is long … and tedious

much of the same old same old

but there are a few things

big things

I’ve taken off the list

this year